Flying Foxes / FF0E621

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Transport

Whether it’s mercenary work, bounty hunting or anything else we will make it our mission to get the job done.


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our motives and intentions are clear, to help those who are new to the game and support those who need it. While members of the Flying Foxes are allowed to do as they please, within reason of course, it is the sole purpose of the group to lend a hand if needed. So whether you are stuck in space, or just needing help we will be there to support you.


Rules are simple

1) support each other we are in this together after all.

2) piracy and bullying of other players in and outside of the Flying Foxes is not allowed. first offense you will be temporarily suspended from the flying foxes and a second offense you will be removed from the group entirely.

3) should you amass a crime stat of 3 or get a bounty placed on you, while it is not prohibited as things do happen, others can help you at their own risk but you are mostly on your own otherwise.

4) have fun.

5) donations to the group are appreciated but not necessary, Flying Fox members are not required to pay anything towards the organization unless they want to.

6) just don’t be a jerk plain and simple.