Death to the Throne / FIERCE

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience.


Humanity has ascended and annexed the stars. We’ve conquered systems, claimed galaxies.

New technologies have launched us forward; powering our ships, new sensors allowing exploration of places no human has been before. New ways to slaughter enemies – and new ways for those in power to oppress regular citizens.

From the days of the Monarchs of Earth to the mega-corporations of now, the powerful have always exploited the poor. Time and time again Humanity has had the chance to make the worlds a better place for all, and failed – we say, no more.

From now on, they answer to us.


From now on, your suffering will become ours.

We don the titles and ranks of the ancient Roman Empire and its Senate, an empire that – despite its flaws-, believed that power should never be absolute, that a balance of power is required – we share that belief. Unlike the Roman Senate, we ill not flounder, and we will not fade.

For too long the Government and those capable have failed to protect the people of this universe from those who would do them harm, or worse, are indifferent.

Our mission is clear: we will protect the balance of power in this universe. We will protect regular citizens from the exploitation of the powerful. How we will do this is simple; the powerful will answer to us.


Who’s asking?