The Five Ghosts of Earth / FIVEGHOSTS

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Freelancing

Walk the path of the bright stars and empty space. Join us as we pass through as the ghosts of olden days.

* “What you are, we once were, what we are you will be..”*


I drift through space looking for people as an expecting father paces the hospital… If you seek me out, you will not be destroyed. Seek me out when you are ready. I will prepare some tea if you do…



Just to start things off, I want to give everyone a better handle on what the Five Ghosts of Earth are and plan to be.

The Five Ghosts is composed of a group of gaming friends and fellow members of . We are composed of players that want to have fun and work together with mutual respect while still being rowdy and crazy. We currently are are recruiting. We do not put up with drama from the RSI forums.

Now, to what we plan to do when Star Citizen comes out:

We are Chaotic Neutral and listed as Social and Freelancing. What does this mean?

The Five Ghosts will be a social faith meant to promote good interfaith social interaction while we proceed to do things for profit and evangelism. We are not very picky when it comes to freelancing, but we only take jobs that suit our interests. We are a faith and thus have our overarching goals, but each member has an opportunity to try to advance their own personal goals. We are chaotic neutral, so we are flexible and sometimes hard to predict, or let alone count on. We remember our friends and the debts we owe to each other, so if there is one thing to count on, it is that we will try to help and protect our own.

To explain a little about Chaotic Neutral, I must first state that we are not good and evil. Chaotic Neutral, CN as we shall call it, is a stance where players fully accept that they are in the gray areas of the lawful and the evil roles. CN Players will perform actions that are both good and bad and behave according to their own desires. It can be difficult for some to refrain from viewing these characters as anything but evil, because of the possibility of evil actions. Rather than that, many CN types tend to be more isolated and wanderers as they do as they please.

In the future, we may end up getting jobs that require us to plunder, mine, kill, or perform trading and transporting. It doesn’t necessarily mean that we are evil, but it means that we as players are willing to perform actions that are evil and actions that are good. It maybe about money or it even be about our desires… Who knows…


Dear friends and guests,

As of now, we have a few requests for all people who interact with us and attempt to call us friend.

1) We expect people to be appropriate and have a cool head when dealing with others. *^1

2) We expect maturity on the forums and in-game. *^1

3) We ask that you attempt to spend time with us. *^2

4) Do not hunt your fellow member outside of Arena Commander.

We are part of Tactical Gamer. We desire your participation at, since it is the best way to interact with us in the various other games we play.

1) Create a history of social interaction with us. You are expected to spend time with us before you will be accepted into the Five Ghosts.

2) Be appropriate, we want to be able to say that we a proud to be associated with you.


*^1— Maturity and cool headed behavior is required, even when dealing with tense situations. If there is some sort of operation that is meant to damage another organization, we still expect you to behave in a manner that will not damage the Five Ghost’s reputation. Decisions meant to alter our reputation will be decided on by the group as a whole.

*^2— The group tries to use TeamSpeak 3 via ‘s server. We want to talk to each other, even if we are not able to play in the same area. We also play other games at TG, so consider joining us in those games as well.