Flaming Pie / FLAMINGPIE

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Flaming Pie is a guild on the good side of the spectrum. Whether you prefer to be lawful, neutral, or chaotic depends on the career you wish to pursue ofcourse. As such we believe we have room for many a career.


Flaming Pie is a community that’s been around since 2007. A number of people in our core group however have been gaming together for even longer. We’re a mature bunch, some of which come from a hardcore past in WoW. Since then most of us grew up though, with all the added RL commitments (families/careers/etc.). Therefore we’ve taken a more laid back approach to gaming for a while now, and it’s been fun.


To give a bit more detail about us from a more personal and logistical standpoint. We’re a group of fellow gamers who range anywhere from the low 20’s to mid 40’s roughly in age, so actual age really isn’t an issue of consideration for us, as maturity is more of an individually determined issue rather than one of age. Collectively between us all as individuals, there’s not a major top-tier MMO out there that someone in our crew hasn’t played/experienced, and many of us older ‘grumpy old men’ have many years’ worth of gaming experience dating back to the old Commodore 64 days and even earlier.

Organisational management is one of our many strong points, as we bring the experience from our professional careers to the game. At the same time, we don’t take ourselves too seriously and there are no rigid ranks, superiority nor big egos in our group. Our members play for the fun and enjoyment of whatever we play together, although still serious in our dedication to the game and objectives therein. We will be known for being a friendly and educated group that will stand its ground when needed, protect others who have helped us, and take out those who stand in our way. We keep an eye on the big picture, never put ourselves before our mates, and always look beyond our own individual interest.

Successful new members will embrace and display this spirit of cooperation. Still, we respect and recognize the unique background that each individual brings to our group.


1. Name

This organisation is called Flaming Pie or FP for short. Our name is derived from an album by sir Paul McCartney, which was in turn inspired by the following story:

“Flaming Pie is a reference to a humorous story John Lennon told journalists in 1961 on the origin of The Beatles’ name when they became newly famous: “I had a vision that a man came unto us on a flaming pie, and he said, ‘You are Beatles with an A.’ And so we were.”

2. Purpose

FP was originally founded in order to play Pirates of the Burning Sea. Since then we’ve branched out into other games, and have had succesfull divisions in WoW and SWTOR. We are currently playing the Dark Side in SWTOR and we’re gearing up to play Star Citizen.

Flaming Pie has always been dedicated to providing a stable platform for mature players in order to have fun in an atmosphere of camaraderie. We are ambitious people, but we do not intend to be the best, or the first, in anything. We will play primarily for fun and we will be known for being a friendly and educated group that will stand its ground when needed, protect others who have helped us, and take out those who stand in our way.

3. How we’re structured

All guilds need some sort of structure to help its members, and so does Flaming Pie. Our community is divided into divisions, each division focussed on a game. A division is run by a “Fool on the Hill” (another Beatles reference), and all the Fools combined run our community. Per game we will have a seperate hierarchy to make sure day-to-day operations run smoothly.

4. Recruitment

Flaming Pie is a guild dedicated to players of the MMO’s mentioned. There’s not much to offer people with no interest in these games, but if you think you might have an interest and want to come and say “hi”, then please do so.

Recruitment Process

If you do wish to join our guild, please register on our forums. (Using your ingame nick- or accountname will be greatly appreciated.) You’ll find a form there to fill in. Tell us a bit about yourself and we’ll come back to you as soon as possible. You might find other members will want to talk to you too. This bit is all about making sure we’re the right guild for you and vice-versa. It can be a real pain to spend ages in an association like this one, only to find that everyone is on a different wavelength to you. So it helps to be frank and honest about who we all are and what we all want from gaming. Assuming all goes well, you’ll be piped on board and given full access after a while.

5. Participation

Participation is critical in any guild. If you’re going to play alone and rarely communicate with anyone, you may as well not join any guild. This game is all about fun for us, and we hope that with our guild, we can increase the fun element.

We can support each other financially (in-game of course), on missions, with stocks and provisions, crafting, advice and guidance, protection and many other ways. But all require active participation with other members of the guild. We therefore ask that all members try to participate from time to time. This doesn’t mean that we don’t acknowledge and respect that sometimes people prefer to go solo. That’s perfectly acceptable too.

6. Guild etiquette

Flaming Pie acknowledges and respects that we’re all very different; what you might find completely acceptable the person next to you might find abhorrent. So it’s worthwhile setting out some general guidelines as to what is and isn’t acceptable.

You carry the reputation of this guild wherever you go in-game or on the forums. However, whilst these guidelines are primarily for our members, you will be expected to abide by them if you are just visiting this website too.

Treat the other people you meet with respect. If you have just cause to do otherwise, take it up with an officer of our community, or an officer of the other persons guild.
Refrain from causing grief to other people.
Steer clear wherever possible from sailing too close on topics such as race, creed, colour, gender and religion. Many people have strong and opposing views, and offence can be easily taken.
Try to stay in touch with current guild events

6a. AWOL!
If you intend to be away from the game for a while, it would be good if you could let us know, so we’re not waiting for you to respond to a guild event. It’s a politeness-thing.

6b. Voice comms
We would encourage use of voice communications. This can make all the difference in a battle. You will need to register with the client, and add a guild officer to your friendslist in order to be invited to one of our permanent rooms. We would also encourage you employ “push-to-talk” over “voice-activation”. You won’t believe the number of personal conversations we’ve overheard in the past, and heavy breathing can be very distracting.

7. Demotion/Terminating membershipsh2.

Any Flaming Pie member who has been deemed by an officer to not have upheld the requirements under sections 5 and 6, may be reprimanded, demoted, or removed from our guild. The actions taken are dependent on the severity and frequency of the misconduct, and are solely determined by the Fools.