Raider Company / FOFCRAIDER

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Raider Company is a scalable, self-sufficient mercenary force capable of short-duration strikes and other small-scale military or logistical actions conducted in hostile, denied, remote and hazardous environments.



Raider Company was Founded in October 2952 by official mandate of the Federation of Free Companies – Raider Company began with a simple idea – Combine the skill and prowess of elite combat pilots, with the cunning and violence of action of specialized infantry units into a single cohesive unit.

Shortly after its founding in 2952 Raider Company was hired by a well known media personality F3ARL355 (Fearless). F3ARL355 was having security issues while broadcasting and required skilled pilots and soldiers to provide enhanced security for the duration of the stream. Raider Company successfully fulfilled the contract by destroying several stream snipers live on F3ARL355’ TTV channel. ( (The Fearless contract) )


H3. January, 2953

In early 2953 the Raiders were tasked with seizing a Starfarer Gemini that was being held in default from Federation members. The company tracked, interdicted, and conducted a complex opposed boarding operation to successfully seize the Starfarer. Leaving no surviving members of the pirate crew, Raider Company returned the ship in working order to its rightful owners.

H3. July, 2953

Raider Company was contacted by REDACTED CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYER; a well known logistics organization and contracted to secure the several high value commodity trade routes. Raider company spent several months ensuring the availability of gold ore for affiliated haulers, and seizing commodities bought in opposition to REDACTED CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYER’S wishes.

( (Cargo Secured 1) )

( (Cargo Secured 2) )

Notable Combat actions by Raider Company pilots

1) On July First, 2953 at approximately 1130 hours PST Raider Company apprentice TheLewtz participated in an emergent black flag operation. Lewtz responded to the request for combat assistance from Raider Company Knight Captain ReconRaider. Lewtz arrived fully armed, and armored, prepared for combat in accordance with the primary tenants of Raider Company. TheLewtz maintained a positive attitude despite several initial setbacks – including when ReconRaider failed to properly deploy the QED on his cutlass blue – allowing a stocked C2 to escape. Lewtz displayed leadership qualities as well the indomitable spirit expected of a Raider by attempting to take responsibility for the mistake, and not once complaining or becoming discouraged. When Raider Company scouts located a MISC Freelancer carrying 56 SCU of gold at SMO-18 Lewtz promptly warped to the location. TheLewtz demonstrated a high degree of skill while piloting a Banu Defender equipped with distortion repeaters. While ReconRaider maintained the quantum dampener, Lewtz closed with and engaged the freelancer. Lewtz seized the initiative utilizing speed, aggression, and surprise as powerful force multipliers. Lewtz disabled the freelancer within minutes of the first shots of the engagement. Lewtz maintained distortion suppression on the ship until it ultimately collided with the ground. Lewtz then assisted in the loading of the seized cargo.

For his adherence to the primary tenants of Raider Company, display of skill, Indomitable spirit, and contribution to the reputation of the Company I, Knight Captain Templar-1 formally recognize TheLewtz here amongst his peers for his outstanding performance in battle.


2) On July third, 2953 at approximately 1400 hours PST Raider Company Knight Captain Templar-1 had seized an in-default C2 filled with astatine. While loading the seized assets a third party ship conducted a kamikaze strike by landing nearby and setting the self-destruct on his C2. Raider Aspirant Ravenlzero was being assisted by DCC Company Coordinator wolf-of-quebec. Both Wolf and Charon responded immediately to the location. Wolf and Raider Knight Kryptek began to load the remaining Astatine while Charon helmed a Ballista in the area. Charon scored his first PvP kill while providing overwatch onto the exposed members of the Federation task unit. A short while later Charon formally requested to join Raider Company as an aspirant. ReconRaider subsequently located a Caterpillar hauling Stims – and was able to Interdict and disable the ship. Charon again responded to the area of operations, and voluntarily resumed over watch with a ballista while the Stims were loaded onto the Raider’s Fortune. Throughout the rest of the night Charon’s assistance was invaluable in providing force protection and security for ongoing operations in the Microtech area.

For his contribution to the Company, and performance in battle with no formal training, I Knight Captain Templar-1 formally recognize Aspirant Charon Jaeger for his outstanding performance in battle.


3) Aspirant @Ravenlzero along with other members of Raider Company were conducting heavy fighter and gunship training in the area of Ghost Hollow and were able to rapidly deploy as a QRF in response to Lewtz request for assistance. In accordance with the Raider Company Codex Raven arrived in a timely manner, fully prepared for combat in support of a fellow Raider.

Throughout the duration of the sortie Raven piloted an Aegis Eclipse stealth bomber with a high degree of skill. Raven was able to destroy a constellation Taurus piloted by “Bulle20” ( ) and also destroyed an A2 bomber attempting to destroy the salvage efforts piloted by Astarlo. In addition to killing the enemy Raven provided valuable early warning, intelligence, and situational awareness to the battle group as it secured the area.

In totality the engagement lasted over an hour, with multiple combat sorties fought in various light and weather conditions. All of the cargo was recovered and sold, and no Raider casualties were suffered. Raven proved to be an invaluable asset on the field of battle. For his adherence to the Raider Codex, display of skill, and contribution to the reputation of the Company I Knight Captain Templar-1 formally recognize @Ravenlzero here amongst his peers for his outstanding performance in battle.


Raider Company is contracted to seize, destroy, or capture specified material and persons who are in fortified and defended structures. Raider company conducts a series of direct action raids on heavily fortified ground objectives.

Notable combat actions of 2954

1) In the early hours of 07/12/2954, a Raider Company strike team carried out a combat operation on Hurston in conjunction with an operative from the Sons of Pyro. The contract called for direct action on objectives located at a large processing facility on the planet’s surface, necessitating a ground insertion and exfiltration due to the high degree of anti-aircraft protections around the facility. During this operation, the Raider Company strike team came under heavy fire from the opposing force. Raider Company Knight Captain Zacknifien, and the SoP operative Ifrael both were heavily injured, and rendered combat ineffective. Raider Company Knight Noah_Prinzrot rose to the challenge, administering constant medical aid to his wounded brethren while simultaneously maintaining withering and accurate cover fire which prevented enemy maneuvering and ultimately completing the contract. During the exfiltration, Noah gave his own life to escort his wounded comrades out of the facility, where the remaining wounded members were able to meet a waiting transport and escape the facility. After reconstituting on the Raider Company Flagship – the R.S.S Witcher – the vessel came under a withering barrage of missile, and cannon fire from a RSI Mantis, and a Drake Buccaneer. While the surviving members of the strike team struggled to make their way to the medical bay, Knight Captain Templar-1 sounded general quarters and began to take evasive maneuvers. Knight Noah Prinzrot – the only combat capable member on board immediately manned the ships top turret, and was able to destroy the assaulting ships.

It was largely due to his skill and valor across multiple arms of conflict that the mission was a success, and that his comrades were able to survive. Noah has embodied the Raider Codex, and brought honor to the Company this day. For this, his actions are to be commended to the Hall of Heroes and recorded in the historical annals of Raider Company.

-Knight Captain Zacknifien


“Morte et Fortuna , Death and Fortune”

Throughout human history, stories of progress and expansion are inevitably accompanied by the shedding of blood. Members of Raider Company are warriors committed to mastering and advancing the martial arts. For a Raider, war is their religion. Their weapon is their idol, violence is their worship, and the contract, their unbreakable oath. It is a life dedicated to conflict, so that others may thrive.

  1. Be armed and armored at all times.
  2. Defend yourself and other members of the squadron
  3. Become strong through training
  4. Share your strength by seeking out and training others.
  5. Remain loyal to the Squadron
  6. Honor the contract


Federation of Free Companies Authorization

The Federation of Free Companies hereby recognizes the FoFC Raiders as a member Company and endorses the FoFC Raiders as a preferred vendor for combat services for Federation members. FoFC Raiders may pursue its own interests so long as they do not contradict the Core Principles of the Federation.




Bridging the gap between starfighters, and commandos Raider Company offers combat services to individuals and organizations on a fee-for-service basis. These services include surveillance, reconnaissance, logistical support, skirmishing/screening, assassination, privateering, and asset retrieval. These services can be executed independently or incorporated into the client’s larger operational plan.
Organizational Structure:

Raiders deploy as individuals, small teams, or larger units depending on the contract requirements. Individual Raiders are flexible, capable of functioning within a variety of roles and unit structures as the situation demands. Officers are responsible for developing and deploying assets needed to accomplish objectives, which may require coordinating with client forces. A Raiders primary loyalty is to their fellow men-at-arms, and to the Company.

*** Simply because a Raider operator is assigned to a specific unit within the Company does not preclude them from participating in the entire gamut of gameplay that is available. Members are encouraged to cooperate with members of other units and participate / assist with their missions. Organization assets will be available to members to allow them to participate and conduct gameplay that may be outside the scope of their own private assets. ***

Culture & Expectations

- Be prepared: Setup can be tedious, and we all have IRL commitments to balance. Raiders show up to events and operations with all implements necessary to sustain themselves, their ship, and their combat capacity. This includes but is not limited to primary and secondary weapons, armor, medical supplies, ammunition, sustenance, and common utility items.

- Commit oneself to self-improvement: Your journey is your own, but you don’t need to travel it alone. We support each other in our quest to become 1% better every day.

- Respect other organization members: All members of Raider will treat one another with respect and courtesy. No member will conduct actions that negatively affect another member or conduct any hostile actions upon any other members outside of approved in game events (Training is okay)

- Rules of Engagement: ROE (if any) will be briefed by operational command prior to the start of a Raider Operation. Raider operators are encouraged to use their judgment before opening fire, keeping in mind the following axiom: “The only fair fight is the one you lose”. We don’t believe there is such a thing as fighting dirty. There are only winners and losers.

- Follow orders: Orders are given to protect the Company and to fulfill the contract. While conducting operations all members of Raider are expected to follow these orders.

- Have fun: Ultimately this is just a game, and we are all here to have fun. It is our opinion that winning, in whatever way you choose to define it, is more fun than losing.

- Behaviors that conflict with CIG TOS are prohibited.

- Failure to adhere to these tenants will result in removal from any Company operation.

Ranks: Your Rank is a skill and merit-based appointment that reflects your iterative progress towards lethality in combat and capability as a leader
Captain: A fully developed combat officer and is the preferred commander of strategic operations and large-scale combat deployments.

Lieutenant: Experienced commissioned officer proficient at running independent operations and combined arms combat units.

Sergeant: a disciplined soldier and leader, capable of commanding a tactical unit.

Knight: Proficient in FPS, mechanized, and vacuum combat, Knights are recognized by their peers for their superlative warfighting skills across all combat arms.

Man-At-Arms: Fully trained tactical combatant, capable of executing orders and accomplishing mission objectives in accordance with the commander’s intent.

Recruit: This probationary period is an opportunity to make friends and better determine where your interests lie. Your time as a recruit enables us to evaluate your capabilities, and for you to become acquainted with organization-wide tactics and procedures.