Exodia Alliance - Fleet Logistics / FOSFLEET

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Welcome to Exodia Corporation.

Exodia Corporation is an alliance of ship captains in different trades and specializations that work under the protection of the Hurston Dynamics Security – Exodia Division.

The fleet is centered around the civilian flagship “The Flame of Shadows”, a MISC Odyssey.


Founded as a Hurston Dynamics subsidiary, Exodia Corporation is set up as network of traders and industrialists who perform their trades and specializations under the protection of the Hurston Dynamics Security – Exodia Division.

Members of Exodia Corporation both include HDS-Exodia personell as the citizens and civilians they are tasked to protect. The organization is divided into three categories:

-Affiliated members can be any legitimate trader, miner, salvager, mercenary and/or bounty hunter who are the foundation and workforce of the network and alliance.

-Exodia Corporation Employees are the citizens and civilians providing work for the fleet internal logistics and organization.

-HDS Members are members of the Hurston Dynamics Security Division providing security to the fleet and its affiliated members.

Leadership in this org is distributed among the board of directors and their crew/orgmembers.
Currently the Board of Directors consists of:
- HDS-TouKing | Exodia Corporation Boardmember, Captian of the Exodia Flagship “Exodia 1 – Flame of Shadows”, the MISC Odyssey at the heart of the network | Executive Commander of HDS-Exodia Division,
- HDS-Lazarus | Captain of the HDS-Exodia Flagship, “HDS-Ita” RSI Polaris
- High Minister Balchder of Star Souli, Captain of the 890 Jump “The Star Soul”
- Mister Drachensire | CEO of _______ – Captain of _______

For the time being, the Odyssey is being serviced at the shipyard, and an Anvil Carrack is deployed instead as the main base of operations.


The Open Market, made safe for everyone.

We provide:

- System-wide security and medical response
- Localized High Value Trading Commodities
- A nomadic community for pilots and captians to join and/or trade with.



Exodia Corporation members are free to roam and travel on their own accord, but are advised to remain within reach of the fleet at all times. Through our hippocratic oath we provide protection and medical assistance to those in immediate need, no matter who the party in question might be affiliated with or what their history might be. When taken under our wing we will protect them within reasonable extents, but we will not go against any UEE or other applicable laws or rules of conduct.

To those who officially hire us to protect or transport them, or their said assets we enforce strict loyalty to the contract/cause we have accepted as long as the hiring party fulfills on their promises and/or payments.

We reserve the rights to disengage from any tasks that would force us to break any laws, and we will prioritize taking care of our own if such an event will occur.