FREEMIS Freelance Militia Installments and Support / FREEMIS

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Elite solutions and consultancies aimed at empowering professional operations…


Born in 2893, FREEMIS, the Freelance Militia Installments and Support Organization, strives to always provide the best available sevices, we pride upon our large availability of different ships and elite personell which is surely going to bring top notch support to any operation you would like to complete.

Our first contracts with the private organization industry have started in 2905, since then we have successfully completed 147 high risk support operations, collaborating with the UEE as well as different contractors and manufacturers such as Anvil Aerospace to accomplish what by most would be deemed as impossible. We are no stranger to alien contacts and FREEMIS has successfuly closed negotiations with the Banu multiple times to establish safe trade routes for some of our biggest contractors.

Have you got what it takes to claim a spot in one of the most highly skilled and resourceful organizations ever established? get in touch with our board members to arrange a meeting or leave us a message on the spectrum forum and we will get in touch with you, Click here to head to the recruitment request page…


We focus on providing cross lending services of ships and equipements to some of the largest organizations active to date. Our highly skilled personell will provide you with consultancies and briefing plans for different operations focusing on Military and Security services for any mission, from high risk escorts to facility patrolling. We have a large selection of options regarding terraforming, mining and resource prospecting and we can provide you with top notch equipement to fulfill your needs.

FREEMIS is not simply a resource lending organization, but a valuable ally as well, most of our members specialize in elite fighting techniques which may prove very valuable in high risk situations, we have personell specialized in stealth data collection, fleet coordination tactics, invasion and platoon preparation as well as VIP extraction tactics. The FREEMIS Spec-Ops Team may be the game changing asset that leads you to your success.

FREEMIS acts as a neutral organization, we reserve the right to stay allied to multiple organizations and support them when most needed, what we would like to make clear is that we absolutely wont pledge any allegiances with Pirating organizations or any operations aimed purely at maiming the safety and wellbeing of civilians.



  • All members of FREEMIS are bound to keep absolute privacy about mission data and operation logs collected during our operations.
  • We do not tolerate hostility towards any of our members and we treat our personell with the utmost respect, answering any concern immediatly.
  • FREEMIS will not take bribes and threats lightly, we are neutral, but do not expect us to be unresponsive to open aggression.
  • We only work with cross compatible organizations, we orient our services towards corporate and friendly establishments.
  • FREEMIS will decline any contracts from pirate organizations and individuals aiming to maim civilians and break the UEE laws.
  • We are open to cross org personnel trade and contracting for different operations, feel free to open negotiations with any member.
  • Any of our allied orgs are most welcome to cross cooperate with our ships and equipment upon appropriate negotiation.
  • As stated in the FREEMIS terms of service, we are not to be held responsible for any ship destroyed by renters, and we reserve the option to refuse to provide another vessel to the same person or organization if we suspect griefing or pirating activities are taking place.
  • We strive to make all of our associates satisfied with the lending services but be advised that having a closed number of vessels we may not be able to provide you with the needed vessels 24/7 as they might be reserved by other affiliates. Keep in touch with any of our consultants to find out when your requested equipment is going to be available.

FREEMIS reserves the possibility to modify the operations charter at any time, please keep yourself up to date by checking it before your request.