Frontier Horizon Exploration Corps / FRONTHEC

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

Frontier Horizon Exploration Corps, is an organization established to meet the immediate and long-term needs of humankind for exploration, adventures and the discovery of unexplored vast galaxies of the universe. Feel free to look us up for recruitment.


Established in YR 2946.

Into the Unknown
We’ve all stared up at the night sky and wondered… but it takes more to leave it all behind and chart a course for the great unknown.

It takes a strong will to risk everything for the chance to experience something truly special, to see the beauty in stark otherworldly vistas previously unseen by Human eyes. It takes an indomitable spirit to undertake a journey that could change the very course of history, that could forever expand Humankind’s understanding of our place in the universe. Above all, it takes unbending determination and drive to reach into the unknown and pull back greatness.



We would like to establish ourselves as a group that are expertise in exploration and would love to have members skilled in multi-tasking various roles.

What We Are Looking For:

We are looking for inspired players to make up all the professions that Star Citizen will offer. As the game draws closer, we will nail down unit officer positions you might be interested in. If you want to pursue it, and you demonstrate motivation, knowledge and skill in your area of expertise, we have responsibility for YOU!

What We Offer:

1. Mutual respect to everyone, member or ally. We will work together with our friends and allies to create an enjoyable experience in the Star Citizen Universe.
2. Community Impact.
3. Business minded opportunity.


Our fleet will be a home for any and all pilots that are like minded and drama free. One important aspect we will encourage is open divisions. While everyone will have a primary division, when duty calls, we plan on allowing our members to experience any and all of the game mechanics/specialties.

Apply Today!



Code Of Conduct

Presentation Affects Reputation

How you present yourself directly affects your reputation and the reputation of those associated with you. Presenting yourself in a mature and respectful way will allow you to gain the respect of friends, enemies, and strangers. It is important to remember that your decisions and actions do not only reflect upon yourself but also upon those around you.

Members of FRONTHEC must adhere to our policies in order to remain within our ranks. These rules, guidelines, and expectations are here for the benefit of each individual member as well as FRONTHEC as a whole. They will ensure that we represent both ourselves and our brethren in a manner that is fit and becoming of an elite, sophisticated, coordinated, and organized group. Therefore it is the responsibility of each member to follow the Code of Conduct and FRONTHEC Charter.

General Rules and Expectations

All members must represent FRONTHEC at all times through the use of proper FRONTHEC tags (avatars, signatures, etc.). This applies to RSI and SCB forums, as well as RSI chat, Jabber, Teamspeak, and any other public or private mediums related to Star Citizen.
Members bear the right to defend themselves, FRONTHEC, other members, and our allies from any from hostile action (within game only). It is important to note, however that members are still expected to act in a mature manner that will reflect positively upon FRONTHEC and themselves.
Members must not take important matters into their own hands and are expected to refrain from making any comments or decisions that have not been approved by the appropriate ranking officers.
Members are expected to maintain the privacy of information related to the fleet and its members this includes but is not limited to the forums and team speak.
Issues and concerns regarding FRONTHEC decisions, members, and allies must be brought to the attention of your next in command privately. Members are to avoid public confrontations and internal arguments at all costs as it will reflect poorly upon FRONTHEC.
Members must respect one another and show each other kindness, understanding, tolerance, and patience. At all times members of FRONTHEC are expected and obligated to show respect to officers by listening to them and following their lead. NEVER undermine the authority of a ranking member.
Absolutely no bullying, racism, sexism, or other forms of prejudice anywhere.
Do not, under any circumstance, reply to attacks or topics about FRONTHEC on the RSI forums. This is a 0 tolerance rule and breaking it will result in an immediate removal from FRONTHEC or as officer sees fit.
When dealing with another FRONTHEC member on any platform (e.g. Games, Social media, etc.) even when not representing FRONTHEC the CoC still applies. Additionally, when representing FRONTHEC in a game, while gaming with other FRONTHEC members in another game or group or guild, or recruiting non-Star Citizen specific players into an FRONTHEC-run guild, your actions and those of any members in an FRONTHEC-run group must follow the FRONTHEC CoC to ensure that FRONTHEC remains a friendly, and inviting group. This includes adhering to the rules of the place you are currently gaming, whether it be a server, community site, forum, or any other place where you are being hosted by groups other than FRONTHEC.
Fleet Rules, Expectations, and Guidelines

All members must represent FRONTHEC at all times through the use of proper FRONTHEC tags.
Under no circumstances can any FRONTHEC member be a Main member of another fleet. (See “Our stance on memberships” below)
Members bear the right to defend themselves, FRONTHEC, other members, and our allies from any acts of aggression that may take place in game.
Under no circumstances will it be deemed acceptable to engage allied forces.
Piracy is not tolerated.
Cheating and exploitation, whether through the use of third party programs or bugs found within the game are highly unacceptable.
FRONTHEC members should take initiative and engage in tasks assigned to their division.
Members must follow the lead of their division officer / command team and complete assigned tasks.
Members should take initiative and engage in tasks assigned to other divisions when appropriate.
When working with another division you are expected to adhere to their policies and to follow the lead of that particular division’s command team.
Our Stance on Memberships

FRONTHEC always has to be your main org. (exceptions need to be approved by MASTER/OFFICER on a case by case basis – please contact OFFICER for that).

You may not switch FRONTHEC to affiliation without having the approval by MASTER/OFFICER if you do you will be warned and shortly after kicked.
You may not redact affiliation(s) to other organizations without having approval by MASTER/OFFICER if you do you will be warned and shortly after kicked.
You may not redact your FRONTHEC membership without having approval by MASTER/OFFICER if you do you will be warned and shortly after kicked.
You may join other organizations as affiliation as long as their goals do not interfere with FRONTHEC interests. (If you are unsure about one of your affiliations contact HR)
All of the above is subject to change.
Teamspeak (TS) Rules, Expectations, and Guidelines:

No mic spamming.
No chatbox spamming.
No excessive private messaging or poking of officers. Officers will get back to you when time permits.
Do not give out any Fleet Teamspeak info to anyone who is not a member unless given explicit permission or direction to do so by an officer.
If someone else is speaking, allow them to finish.
Keep chat and links appropriate to the channel.
Less civilized, not-exactly-appropriate, conversations should be moved to a designated channel.
Stick to the appropriately assigned TS channels for your current game or activity. i.e. When playing Star Citizen do not form up in the Battlefield channel.
Treat all guests with a welcoming and respectful attitude.
Refer to General Rules listed above.
Jabber/Forums Rules, Expectations, and Guidelines:

No spamming.
Keep chat and links appropriate.
Refer to General Rules listed above.