Frontier Mercenary Company / FRONTIERTL

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Transport

“Frontier Mercenary Company, providing quick, precise and elite service since 2945”

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The Frontier Mercenary Company, or FMC, began under a different name, FTL, as a humble transportation and logistics group operating within the Stanton system. This group began to rely on taking more dangerous missions into seldom explored and lawless territory as thier small size prevented them from competing with the older, established logistics companies. FTL’s rates were higher than their competitors, however the risks they were willing to accept were also significantly greater leading them to develop a large amount of experience dealing with pirates and raiders while in the field. This experience led to the controversial under-the-table hiring of FTL’s security division by multiple Stanton security firms to carry out contract missions in the most hostile and outlaw-infested parts of the system where these firms did not want to risk their own personnel or resources. During these campaigns, FTL, now unofficially renamed FMC, gained a reputation among local outlaws as some of the most efficient and brutal forces they had encountered. Acting as agents outside the law, FMC made short work of these criminals and in only a few weeks had accomplished what the local security had only dreamed of through a constant militaristic campaign. after the dust had settled, FMC had gained a reputation as much more than a small logistics group and received many similar assignments from other security divisions as well as private contractors. In early 2950, FTL officially re-branded itself as FMC, dropping the veneer of cargo trading and publicly acknowledging the nature of their work. Although in the past, they have worked with lawful or neutral entities, FMC is simply interested in the needs of the highest bidder and, so far, they have worked for the interests of the law.


FMC is dedicated to providing timely, efficient and effective security solutions to customers of all stripes. We respect local law as long as we are able to complete our objectives as per the customer’s wishes however we do not discriminate against those with a more checkered past as long as we are able to come to a business arrangement.


We at FMC strive to abide by all rules and regulations set forth by our contractors.