Free Riders of Stanton / FROS

  • Club
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Exploration

“Man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains.” Jean-Jaques Rousseau
Lift your eyes to the horizon, mount your bike and ride on.


2947 A group of workers who share an interest for gravlev- biking begin to meet outside the city gates of Loreville
2948 The group names themselves Free Riders of Stanton (FROS) and starts regular activities on Hurston
2950 A Member of FROS Yao Kirov is said to have links to remnants of the United Workers of Hurston. Kirov and some other riders start to fight for better working conditions for the Hurston employees
2951-12-29 When loading their bikes into a caterpillar at Teasa Spaceport to fly to a biker event in New Babbage Hurston Security guard storm the hangar and arrest all members of FROS, bringing most of them into Klescher Rehabilitation Facilities acusing the riders of multiple crimes. Some say that the charges on the bikers were questionable at least. FROS is actually dissolved.
2952-01-26 Six people try to reestablish FROS in a secret meeting on Hurston
2953-09-29 FROS members set out “into the wild” – a challenge to completely tour around microtech on gravlev bikes
2954-02-28 Six Free Riders reach New Babbage completing their round trip of Microtech. 34 Stages in 5 month adding up to 7500km in the sattle come to a successful end


“Man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains.” Jean-Jaques Rousseau
Lift your eyes to the horizon, mount your bike and ride on.

We are the Free Riders of Stanton, Biker that are united by their believe in the freedom of all humans. We are not hostile towards the UEE, their institutions or the megacorps but we will always step up to defend our values.


Live Free.
Bike Free.
Freedom never dies.