Fallen X Syndicate / FX1

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Piracy
  • Freelancing

Fallen X is a pirate organization spanning a few different Games. We are a family that follows a code of honor and work together to achieve goals that others only dream of. We are loyal to those that join our cause. People fear us and long to join us. We are The Fallen.


Fallen X has been a family that has stayed together through many different platforms. We are always looking for new pilots for our organization. We have a strong history of pvp , pve and industry. Together we can conquer anything.


We live by the code. We die by the code.
These be the laws that bind us, that make us strong.
1.) Do not talk about plans, alliance secrets, or fleet movements on any other chat but ours.
2.)Any player who is inactive for more than 3 days without notice, 7days with notice, or 10days+ with a RL emergency. You will be removed without notice
3)Corp Events initatied by Leadership only
4) Do not raid or openly attack any Registered Allies
5) everyone has one “parley” if youve gotten your self in some bullshit (get out of jail card)
6) We Coordinate all Fleet battles, and Raids, if you cant be on for one let us know
7) Although we vote all issues within a council pirate king has final.
8) If told to stop talking on VC voice chat or any global chat. That means go dark. No talking in local.
9) We are Fallen, We never give up
10) Oh my favorite If you break the Code in any form I Dorian HarlockeX Leader of the Fallen will use every ship at my disposal to hunt you and burn you from this verse.
11) only speak in truths so that you can never be faulted a liar.
12) During Fleet operations the only people that should be talking is the FC and the Scouts
13) All Deals are upheld by the code, to break them is to break the code.
14) All Diplomancy is and will be handled by upper leadership and Corp Diplomats
15) Any bullying will be dealt with as severely as possible (to include reporting to devs, immediately being banned from all chats, and rule 10.
16) All members must be on Discord it is mandatory (must be able to use Voice Comms)
17) Corp compensation is a privilege do not wear it out.(meaning) do not constantly burn out high level gear and expect the Corp to recoup you
18) During Fleet Actions follow the commands of the Battle fleet commanders (FC)


Our Charter is our code. We live by the code. We die by the code.