Aedes Conglomerate / GARDIANS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Trading

The best scavengers money can buy.


Aedes Conglomerate started and will end the same way. Over way too many beers and some drunken boasting about who’s ship is fastest.


Delivering rare goods across the verse at our discretion. The Aedes Conglomerate offers a diverse group of ships to acquire rare commodities for higher than reasonable compensation. We will also be offering salvage services in the future just like the blood sucking mascot implies.


We promise to lovingly hand pick only the finest discarded or lost items and bring them back for consumers across the universe. All pilots of the Aedes Conglomerate will adhere to the three fundamental rules of our organization: No public urination, Never leave a wreckage site empty handed and always fill out your reclamation logs.