Universal Syndicate / GLOBEGHOST

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Smuggling
  • Piracy

Hi, & welcome to Universal Syndicate. I welcome you to review our staff, history & charter, and we urge you to apply when you feel you fit the job! DISCORD

Message OriginalVNM on discord for more info.

Sincerely – VNM


Founded in 2945, amidst the turbulent backdrop of the galaxy, The Universal Syndicate emerged as a formidable group of smugglers and opportunists who navigated the treacherous undercurrents of space with cunning audacity. Originating from diverse backgrounds, its founding members were united by a common creed: to carve out a place in the universe where freedom was not a privilege granted but a right taken.
In the early days, the Syndicate focused on smuggling, leveraging their expertise to transport contraband goods across heavily patrolled space lanes. Their operations were centralized in the Nyx system, where they undertook the ambitious construction of a settlement within the Keeger Ring—a vast asteroid belt known for its mineral wealth and strategic position. On a medium-sized asteroid, they built their haven: a labyrinthine outpost that served as both home and hub for their illicit activities. Shielded by the asteroid’s natural defenses and concealed by the Ring’s chaotic orbits, the settlement thrived as a nexus for underground trade, facilitating the flow of drugs and weapons between the Nyx, Stanton, and Pyro systems.
Their proficiency in smuggling earned them both notoriety and wealth. The Syndicate’s ships became a common, if elusive, sight along the less-traveled routes—a whisper in the dark, a shadow against the stars. Their reputation for reliability and discretion attracted a wide network of clients, further solidifying their influence in the underground economy.
As their influence grew, so did their ambitions. Recognizing the vast opportunities that lay beyond smuggling, The Universal Syndicate expanded their operations to include piracy. This evolution was not taken lightly but was deemed necessary in a universe where power often hinged on one’s willingness to seize it by any means. The Syndicate began targeting wealthy merchant vessels and corporate convoys, executing their raids with precision and minimal collateral damage. This strategic shift not only increased their resources but also sent a clear message across the systems: The Universal Syndicate was a force to be reckoned with.
However, prosperity often invites peril. A small but ruthless Vanduul clan, ever in search of resources and plunder, set their sights on the Syndicate’s asteroid stronghold. The attack was swift and merciless. Despite a valiant defense, the settlement was overwhelmed. Structures were obliterated, life support systems failed, and many lives were lost. The asteroid that once buzzed with clandestine activity was left a silent monument to the devastation wrought by the Vanduul.
Displaced but undeterred, the surviving members sought refuge in the Stanton system. The notorious asteroid base of Grim Hex became their temporary sanctuary. Among the denizens of Grim Hex—pirates, outlaws, and those who lived off the grid—they found a community that not only accepted them but welcomed them as allies. The Syndicate integrated swiftly, contributing their enhanced skills and resources to the locale’s vibrant black market and piratical endeavors, further expanding their network and influence.
Stanton served not just as a refuge but as a new frontier. From Grim Hex, the Syndicate continued their smuggling and piracy operations, adapting to the nuances of the local underworld. Their knowledge of Stanton’s intricate asteroid fields and jump points allowed them to execute operations with renewed vigor. Simultaneously, they set their sights on the Pyro system—a lawless expanse ripe with opportunity. Rumors spoke of unclaimed territories and abandoned stations that could serve as the foundation for a new base of operations.
The dream of rebuilding was a constant undercurrent in the Syndicate’s collective consciousness. Discussions often turned to the possibility of returning to Nyx to reclaim and reconstruct their former home in the Keeger Ring. The scars of the Vanduul attack fueled their desire for resurgence. Plans were drafted, alliances were considered, and resources were quietly amassed. The dual strategy of establishing a foothold in Pyro while preparing to rebuild in Nyx became the Syndicate’s driving mission.
Today, The Universal Syndicate stands at a crossroads of opportunity and nostalgia. Their resilience in the face of adversity has only strengthened their resolve. With a firm presence in Stanton, an expanding influence in Pyro, and the ever-present goal of returning to Nyx, they are poised to leave an indelible mark across multiple systems. The vision of a restored settlement in the Keeger Ring remains a beacon—a testament to their origins and a symbol of their unyielding spirit.
In the ever-shifting tapestry of the galaxy, The Universal Syndicate continues to weave its thread—bold, unbroken, and ever reaching toward new horizons.


So if you have made it to here you should probably know who we are a little more. If you have any further questions contact one of our admirals on discord.


—————————— Mantra ——————————


This doesn’t mean you can’t mine. We are a free syndicate and our members do what they want, when they want.

—————————— Rules ——————————

Thou shall not kill org mates, unless they deserve it
If only you think they deserved it…good luck answering to the syndicate.

Thou shall not snitch.
Do not report a player to UEE or local authorities.

Thou shall not be a dumb ass pirate.

Stealing in populated areas should not be done alone, ensure when doing anything nefarious proper
measures have been met not to get caught.

Never leave a member behind.

—————————— Rule Of Engagement ——————————

Inform higher when you are threatened
In operations, always identify your target, If the target cannot be identified as friendly, kill on sight.
Higher ups will notify the Syndicate when ROE have changed based on operational guidelines.

Identification is on two parts, individual entering and individual securing.
Individuals entering should call out ship type, and when they show up out of quantum travel into our operational area.
Individuals securing operational area should call out what they see as they target. If not confirmed friendly, Fire at will.

—————————— Command Hierarchy ——————————

Squads, Wings, and Fleets are commanded by the highest-ranking member or veteran player within the section. Commands come down from the highest section. Commands are not guidelines, orders must be followed within the hierarchy of any of the units.

Disobeying commands result in the subordinate becoming incapacitated or their ship destroyed. Repeat offenders will be taken to the airlock of the flagship and removed from organization.

Rank from highest authority to lower authority currently is: Fleet Admiral, Admiral, Captain, Commander, Lieutenant, Specialist, Crewman.

Crewman are the backbone of our fleet and the ones who keep the ship running as well as safe by defending from all foes. These are other known as our engineers, ground vehicle crew and cargo haulers

Specialists are individuals who have shown their competency within a specialized class. EX. – Medic, Gunner, Commando, Helmsmen.

Lieutenants are our junior officers. They are your Fighter Pilots, WSO’s (Weapon System Operators,) Navigators, Tank Commanders.

Captains are your Squadron leadership. These are the guys in charge of making sure each squadron is manned properly as well as organized correctly. It is also the responsibility of the commander to ensure proper procedures are being followed by each squadron including rules of engagement.

Admirals, these are your Wing level leaders inside Universal Syndicate. Found mainly onboard the current flagship capital (ex. Polaris) that is operating during the given time. They call the shots. They will choose when to break up the wing into squads or smaller groups. They will choose what our current focus is for resources and put priorities out for which ships we need to contribute to buying. (This is where members will request what ships they need to progress and we will make sure they get it in the most timely manner.)

Fleet Admirals, These are your few and far between founders and Senior leadership among the many men and women in Universal Syndicate. They will ensure all are treated equally and fair. They are who you can bring any major issues up to. They are who you can talk to if you have any art ideas for branding as well as discord.