Cataclysmic Variable / GMUNU

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  • Trading

“One force binds all. It consumes all matter, all space. It is inescapable and inexhaustible. Joined together and bound, it will not be controlled. It will NOT be conquered” -The Fourth Vector


Born March 11th, 2014, The Cataclysmic Variable started as a single point and began to grow…

The second joined within hours and thus folded a towering gaming prowess into the Cataclysm. With ominous cunning, the second is an unraveler of patterns, of puzzles; a master, conquering them all.

The third soon followed. An expert at Eve, of economics and engineering, the third conquers through diligence and calculation. Tasked, he will produce the perfect ship or lay out the perfect profit.

Where the first gave the Cataclysm purpose and order, the second and third gave it presence, cunning, and strength. But there are whisperings of another….

A Master of Starcraft, of strategy and of reflex. A formidable force waits in the wings. With the aid of this light, the four would become the Founders and the Founders would become the guiding hand of that which will shake the universe to her knees.

And still The Cataclysmic Variable continued to grow..

News 4/5/2014

The Variable has a voice chat home and a forum!

There will be an (almost) always online chat server for Cataclysmic Variable. You can join now by following these three easy steps:

1) Download and install C3 by clicking here
2) Set up your username
3) Notify gmunu of your username either in the CV chat on the site or by email ( ) so we can invite you to our channels.

The forum is up too, but is bare-bones for now while we set it up. Look here for an update when the forum goes live.

Other News:

DFM Launch Party

The Dog-fighting Module in imminent. We can almost taste it. Surely next week and certainly before the 18th, we’ll get our hands on the controls of our ships for the first time and watch our high definition, over designed works of art blow up into a hundred pieces. The anticipation has been building since the launch trailer so we want to kick off this release with an bang. We’re inviting all our members there so we can share our first sweet kills as an org. Soon after we have everyone up and playing regularly, expect tournaments, inter-org matches and the like to add a little something to the game modes.

Charter Writing

We have two Vectors right now, but we want feedback from our members while we build the Charter. We’ll place edicts under discussion in the forum and anyone can share their questions, comments, and concerns. Once we hit 25 members, the whole process will open up and members will get to vote on the Charter. Stay tuned for the forum launch!


The Variable has grown. We have as many pending members as we have signed up members and this is a good thing. We’ve built a vetting framework for new members and we plan to train new recruits on the DFM once that’s up and running. We’re always looking for new talent and new ideas so don’t hesitate to refer a friend to the leadership.

Update 4/9/2014

Forums are live! Check them out here.

Much more to come. We’ve been busy.


Cataclysmic Variable is based on the concepts of strength, loyalty, integrity, ingenuity, and competence. From these principles, CV will strive to provide the broadest access to the assets in Star Citizen to its members. By taking the greatest advantage of the economic system and training members extensively in the best practices and strategies, CV will reap from Star Citizen all manner of entertainment to be had.


When the times comes, the Vectors will gather. They will consider with great care all needs of our kin and conspire with ruthless efficiency against every adversary. When they emerge, the Charter will be born and recorded in this very place to be known by all who would come after.

Edict 001 – The Vectors

There are four Vectors as is consistent with the true nature of things. The sum of their direction will guide the Cataclysm along the righteous path. This edict does now declare the formation of this hierarchy with a mandate lasting until an accumulation of membership to the fold exceeding 24.

The Four-Vector will appoint the three remaining Vectors and with their counsel, the Charter of Edicts will be writ. This edict does also declare the title of Four-Vector to gmunu henceforth and forever.

Edict 002 – The Apotheosis

The rank of Great Vector is the highest level within the Cataclysm and each of the Four must assume a role and bear the responsibility of their title. With this edict, the Four-Vector has conferred the rank of Great Vector to Xiacod. Xiacod will henceforth be known as First-Vector and bear the role of recruitment to the fold.

The remaining two names with be writ here within this edict when the time has come.

Edict 003 – Powers of the Vectors

In the earliest times, the Vectors will lay down the foundation of our order. After their deliberation they will write here the edicts as are agreed upon by their majority. As is the true nature of things, the vote of the Four-Vector bears equal weight to the combined sum of the First, Second, and the Third. Hence the power of the Four is limited by a consensus of the Three and the consensus of the Three is limited by the consent of the Four. This hierarchy is not unending. Consistent with the first edict, it will last only as long as the fold is smaller than 25. It is then incumbent on the Vectors to set forth the basis of our order before that time.


Great First-Vector: Affirmative
Great Four-Vector: Affirmative

Edict 003 has now joined the Charter as True.

Edict 004 – The Strongest Bond

On Earth, there were always fractures in the bonds between humanity. Conflicts brewed between races, nations, religions, and groups defined by every and any characteristic. Scars were etched deep into the human psyche that only served to perpetuate a cycle of discord and destruction generation after generation.

Unlike Earth, the Cataclysmic Variable must be forged from a bond much stronger than this. We are but a few amongst many so we cannot afford to be further divided by that which has nothing to do with our ambition. It is implicit in our membership and explicit for those to come that we will not engage in harassing or abusive language directed at people or groups for reasons of race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religion, or nationality. In addition, the Variable will not discriminate on the basis of any of these characteristics.

From the moment this joins the Charter, all who remain and all to come will be bound to a pledge to never break this edict.


Great First-Vector: Affirmative
Great Four-Vector: Affirmative

None have challenged this in the many days since its inception.

Edict 004 has now joined the Charter as True.