Goldari Syndicate / GOLDARI

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Social
  • Freelancing

Just a tight-knit group of players who walk all walks of life in Star Citizen, often grouping up to try out multi-crew or just groups of fighters to pick PVP fights with anyone who will engage.
We also get together to make money by mining, bounty hunting, or performing other missions in the game.


While it’s not entirely sure which rock this “organization” originally crawled out of, one thing is for sure, they’re as likely to trade with you as they are to hold you for ransom.

To say members of the Goldari Syndicate skirt the line between legal and less-than-legal would be an understatement.
As near as anyone can tell, the original member was Caidicus and it’s said that he brought in members from around the Stanton system, one by one, originally as a mere trader and industrialist and branching out to more grey areas after meeting a famed pilot who went by the name of Ithios.

It wasn’t long before more regulars started hanging around and eventually joined up, growing the numbers of the Goldari Syndicate, slowly but surely.


Our manifesto is simple.

We strive to enrich the lives of our members, whether it be through combat, trade, industry, or just having fun in space.
We may inflict pain upon others, we accept that others may inflict pain upon us.

This is the will of the ‘verse and its will be done.


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

This includes blowing them up.


Do it with kindness.