GOTR Enterprises / GOTR

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security

GOTR focuses on teamwork and large numbers to achieve success. We believe that as a group we are greater than the sum of our parts. Our Command Staff rules as a Council, with an Executive Leader to make decisions from Council suggestions.

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Ghosts of the Revolution was founded on May 20th, 2003 in the MMOFPS “Planetside”. Dedicated to large-scale operations with a focus on organization, teamwork, and training new players, GOTR grew and expanded into other games – Planetside 2, Warframe, Guild Wars 2, Star Wars: The Old Republic, and EVE Online. During our first ten years, with hundreds of active members worldwide and operations run daily, we have established ourselves as a strong, solid community of players that are greater than the sum of our parts.


Our goal as a community is to grow into the MMO genre of games in a way few other gaming organizations can – to work together to accomplish incredible feats, to conduct operations on a huge scale, and to have a positive lasting impact on the games that we play. We hold our members to a high standard and our officers are dedicated to improving not only our own organization, but the game’s environment as a whole.

We are not a small group of “elite” players that prize our stats and killboards above all else. We are not a breakfast club that exists purely to interact socially in text chat.

We are a group of gamers that want to take advantage of everything the game has to offer, to make our mark on whatever universe in which we reside, and create an environment where all players, new or experienced, young or old, of all backgrounds can work together to accomplish things nobody else can.

We are the Ghosts of the Revolution.


The Pillars are the most fundamental rules of how the outfit operates. They’ve served us well over the course of almost a decade. Live by them and you’ll thrive. Break them and you may be removed from the outfit.

If you have questions about The Pillars it is up to you to ask. We can’t answer questions you’ve kept secret. Start a thread, send a PM, ask in the ShoutBox, send a tell/whisper. Heck, you can even Tweet your questions.

The Foundation: Lead by Example (for Officers)
The officers are the foundation of the outfit upon which the pillars rest. If the foundation is flawed the Pillars will be crooked and the building will collapse. We cannot expect our troops to do anything we aren’t already doing. We must be examples of what the outfit should be. We must treat our troops with respect, and earn their respect.

Pillar 0: Real Life Comes First
Life > Games. If you’d rather be doing something else, go do that. If your mind is on finances, getting laid, homework or some other game, go deal with that. If your dog is eating the couch or you have spouse aggro, go deal with that. If your choosing between a night out with friends or playing, go have a drink and raise a glass for us. If your head isn’t in the game you’ll be a less effective player. You’ll be annoyed with your performance and so will everyone else. You’ll resent the game and the outfit for keeping you from having some other kind of fun or dealing with your real life responsibilities. No outfit officer or member will give you grief for putting your life first. Take a night off. We are all friends here and friends support each other. There is no such thing as spare time. Every minute you spend is gone forever. Spend it wisely. We’ll be here when you get back!

Pillar 1: The Forum
Our forum is the lifeblood of our outfit. It is how we plan, inform, and organize. It’s also fun. We expect you to take part in the forum if for nothing more than to stay informed of what is going on. Activity is also a consideration for advancement in rank within the outfit, if that is an avenue you wish to pursue.

Pillar 2: Voice Communication (Teamspeak 3)
You MUST have TeamSpeak 3 installed on your system to be a member. There are those here that will help with any problems you may have, so technical difficulties are not a consideration. A small few special exceptions can be made, ask an officer if you have any doubts. You are not required to have a mic, but TeamSpeak 3 must be running for you to properly follow your orders from your commanding officers – having a mic is definitely encouraged. Additionally, if you ever wish to advance into the officer ranks, you must have a mic. You must be on TeamSpeak 3 to hold a Squad Leader position as well.

Pillar 3: Respect and Sportmanship

We are judged by our actions more than our words. We have a good reputation in the games we play. Your behavior reflects on all of us.

We do not hack, cheat or exploit, nor tolerate those who do. If you think something might be an exploit or hack, don’t use it, talk to an officer. Don’t relay information from opponents. Treat others the way they wish to be treated. We’re all here to have fun. If your idea of fun is trolling, tea bagging and offensive remarks you will find yourself in trouble. We have removed members for being jerks. Respect the Chain of Command. If you have a problem with something an officer is asking you to do, try to resolve it privately. Openly questioning officers undermines their authority. If there is a persistent problem, take it to another officer. Abide by game specific rules. Each game will have its own set of additional rules. Learn ‘em, live ‘em. Click on the other tabs of this article to see these rules.

Pillar 4: Participation

Each game we play has a schedule for raids and other events. If you want to be considered part of the PlanetSide outfit, for instance, we expect you to attend our Thursday night raid. These events are the purpose of the outfit: to get together and kick ass. However, real life comes first. If you can’t make it, please let someone know. We won’t kick you for missing raids. We might kick you if it seems you aren’t really a member of the outfit.