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Privateers or profiteers, our destiny is in the stars


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Welcome to G emini R eclamation, I ndustry, M ining and S afety

We’re an organization built to do one thing, have a good time in Star Citizen. We like to play the game and we like to keep things as positive as we can given the current development and in game challenges.


One for All

In general don’t make your individual problem everyone else’s problems
If you bring something that you will be upset that you lose and you lose it, it’s not our responsibility to get it back. You can ask once and see if someone can, but if people say no, you don’t bitch about it for the rest of the night.
Always be part of the solution, never be part of the problem


Be someone you’d actually want to spend time with and play games with (respectable character).
Don’t be the dick who picks up something someone lost and then keep it for yourself.
Teamkilling is not allowed unless both parties have agreed to it ahead of time. Failure to comply will result in immediate dismissal


If you commit to something and can’t make it, just say something.
If there is an issue, walk away and come back another day. If time doesn’t fix the issue, reach out to a moderator
Understand the game real life boundary, we’re here to play games. Anything else should be kept to DMs between individuals


We kill with kindness
There are always going to be issues, it’s how we handle them. We expect people to be able to handle issues and be adults.
It’s okay to be ruthless, it’s not okay to be a troll. We expect nothing but GGs after a stressful fight, OWN your narrative


What is GRIMS ?

It is an abbreviation of our org name, but it also provides us with a unique duality to how we play the game. Some nights we might venture to make profits, create massive buildings, or craft amazing things, another we might commandeer a haulers precious cargo or blockade an important trade route. The point is with the limited number of current game loops, having a good time takes priority.

*Does this mean we can be privateers? / Can we PVP?**

Of course, but there are some caveats.

PVP Yes, Chat PVP No

As we mention in our rules, we kill, but we kill with kindness. You can be ruthless in your hunt but when everything is said and done the only chat PVP that is acceptable is GGs, GFs or o7. We’re not hear to grief and only one warning is provided if we see this behavior. We are not looking for Toxic gameplay.

We do not stream snipe and we do not troll.

A good hunter moves on once they’ve made the kill, we may join a massive battle in progress, but we will never partake in PVP that uses intel from out of game.

If we’re holding a location, then continue as needed and it’s okay to push people back till our operation is complete provided everyone follows rule #1

Do I have to do mining or salvaging to be part of the group?No, but yes!

Everyone has a part to play in revenue generating events, scouts, security, hauling, gathering and there will be points and attendance monitored that are considered when there are requests for ships, when we need to prioritize what we’re bringing for an op or to use Corp funds. We want to reward those who are active.