Grand Guard / GRANDGUARD

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Resources
  • Smuggling

Hi! Welcome, welcome, what can we do for you today? Looking to buy or sell? Do you need something moved, or disposed of? Maybe you got skills in these departments, look for the small Recruitment sign in the back, and we’ll take care of you.


Gather around the campfire and let ol’ Ricky tell you the Legend of Grand Guard… Nobody knowns where the Boss came from. Some say that he was a UPE Black site project gone wrong. Other say that the Boss was a Messer Era Super Soldier project that broke free of his chains after the revolution. That one always stirs me the most, with visions of rubble and a single figure standing amidst the flame, very Spectrum Hero Vid stuff. Once, l heard others say that The Boss, is actually just another ‘Dread Pirate’ Moniker that gets passed on when the master’s time comes to retire. However he came to be, whoever he is, The Boss brought us all here. Simply to Get the job done.

Whoever he was before, and however he found you, The Boss chose you. He brought you here to help us get the job done. Maybe he likes your company, or maybe you’re just really good at what you do, hopefully both. Any which way, The Boss is Grand Guard, and so are we. We keep the Boss happy, and each other happy. but mostly, we get the job done.

The rest, as they say, is History.


Grand Guard is a collective of like-minded individuals. Law, Chaos, Good, Evil, these things are all constructs we spend little time worrying about.

We make it our business to connect people with the things that they need. Sometimes those things are found in distant asteroid belts. Sometimes they are found in the hold of a ship. Other times, people need us to find other people. Sometimes people around Stanton need scrap metal or Titanium. Or, perhaps a poor station far out, finds itself in dire need of Maze or Slam. Whatever it is we’ve got you covered. And we don’t worry about what belongs to who while we do it.

If we can find it. We will get it for you. If the current owner of the thing you want and us have a disagreement over ownership, then we will have a rousing discussion with them about how we will remove our quarry. If, in that discussion, the ship that has what you need happens to be suddenly vacated by its former occupants, we won’t worry about the details. We get what you need and get it where it’s needed most. We’re only interested in getting the job done.


Grand Guard has one Purpose. To enjoy our time, this great game, and each other’s company, while looking good and kicking ass.

The Boss has declared that we are a-political, this means that if you are the High-Admiral, High Secretary, or even the Imperator herself, we don’t care. Centralist, Universalist, Transitionalist, all welcome. Discuss it if you want but keep it civil.

Drake is love, Drake is Life, at least according to The Boss.

Our Colors are Gold, Black, and Red.

The Boss has declared that we are a Mature Org, 21+ only. We, at times, discuss things that are not for the young at heart. Otherwise, we are Open to all walks of life and in game interests.

The Boss asks that you be respectful of one another. And he will respect you in kind.