Hanseatic Frontier Corporation / HANSACORP

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Exclusive
  • Engineering
  • Trading


Welcome to HansaCorp, an economic union of free space ports and stations.

Välkommen till Hansa Korporationen, en ekonomisk union av fria och oberoende rymdhamnar och stationer. Här får du en fristad, partners, och arbete.


Join us on Discord!


?? – ?? – 1356\\ The First Diet of the Hansa, our spiritual predecessor.
?? – ?? – 1370\\ Treaty of Straslund signed after the Hanseatic League defeats Denmark, forcing King Vlademar IV to grant the Hansa 15% of profits from Danish Trade.
?? – ?? – 1474\\ Treaty of Utrecht signed between England and the Hansa, forcing the english to give up the london steelyard, after the Hansa defeats England.
?? – ?? – 1862\\ The final end of the Hansaeatic League.


[still being compiled]


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits to becoming a HansaCorp member?

Corp members can expect robust infrastructure out of game, including a website, Teamspeak, forums, exclusive member and universe database, and Jabber chat systems. In game, you can make use of our escort and internal shipping services, upgrades and equipment based on performance, and training programs to hone your skills.

What does Hardcore/Exclusive mean?

This means that we expect that you will be loyal first and foremost to Hansacorp, and will have no false loyalties. We encourage you to be an active, participating, and contributing member to the group, especially now, when we are still building our corp.

What is the HansaCorp’s opinion on illegal matters?

Anything that is defined as illegal and forbidden in the UEE will not be frowned upon in our space, so long as it does not interfere with our own operations.

What if I want to start my own station?

If you wish to begin a station, you must draft a station charter, and approach the diet with that and your plans for the station. If you request is well-made and within the operational limits and vision of the company, the Diet will grant you a charter to begin your station.

What if I represent another org and want to do diplomacy with HansaCorp?

Please contact Lawrence if you desire to begin in diplomatic affairs with Hansacorp. Although we are not looking to join in any alliances for the time being, we are very open to friendly relationships with other orgs, and especially business partnerships.


Mission Statement

  1. The goal of the Hanseatic Frontier Corporation (HansaCorp) will be to facilitate the construction and establishment of a corporate union of free and independent space ports & stations.
  2. Upon establishment, this union will work towards becoming the dominant trading body in all areas it operates in. The union will provide a safe haven for all free entities seeking asylum and independence from the large and tyrannical empires of the universe.
  3. The means with which we will pursue our goals will be outlined in the articles below.

Article One – Government

Spaceports are the stations and their outlying areas of operations.

  1. Each station will be founded under a separate charter to be approved by The HansaCorp Diet. However, each station must abide by the rules and vision of the Diet.
  2. If a need for a station is identified, a charter will be granted by the Diet to an exceptional member who will assume initial directorship of the station. The process for selection future directors and officers will be left to the terms in that station’s charter. The director of each station may change the station’s charter, if the change is approved by the Diet.
  3. Each station will have a surrounding area of operation, which they will be required to man and maintain for the interest of the union.

The Diet is the governing body in union wide matters.

  1. The Diet’s powers include setting the vision for the company and making all accompanying charter changes, choosing the President, granting station-charters, overseeing union-wide operations, and representing the union diplomatically.
  2. The Diet is composed of the inalienable union founders as well as chartering members. Chartering members are those members who have made outstanding time and effort contributions to the union and are voted onto the diet by the founders. Diet members may be removed from their positions by a vote from the founders.

Overarching personnel are positions consistent across the whole union.

  1. The President – Chosen by the Diet to oversee the union-wide operations and diplomacy.
  2. Departments – Are corporation wide groups responsible for ensuring efficiency and coordination in their respective fields. Beginning departments will include Security, Trading, Logistics, Resources, IT, Finance, HR, & Diplomacy.
  3. Membership Advocate – A union member will be assigned by the diet to ensure that all member grievances and problems with the union are brought before the Diet.

Article Two – Relations

  1. Large Empires/NPC Factions – Hansa operates independently from these groups if possible.
  2. General Diplomatic Policy – We will pursue general neutrality from conflict in the ‘verse. Our diplomacy will be focused on creating allies and business partners.
  3. Attacks on Union equipment, personnel, or installations, will be met with swift retribution regardless of scale or intent.

Article Three – Legality

  1. Organized conflict from large entities will not be permitted in our space.
  2. Piracy and aggressive actions by larger entities will also not be permitted in Union space.
  3. Activities deemed illegal by the tyrannical empires of the universe will not be looked upon in shame in our space.