Red-Eyed Rabbits / HARE

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Transport

“Our thoughts, our knowledge, or our beliefs are, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is in our actions”


If you want to know how the organization will be run and operated please read our manifesto, meanwhile, let me tell you a bit about how the “Red Eyed Rabbits” came to be.

Back in 2516 the UNE Congress approval of the plan to centralize Eastern System operations pushed mankind to set a new base of operations out of the newly discovered 342A.03M planet, by Chief Surveyor Wei-Yin Song and his team (baptized has Terra due to all the similarities to Earth), setting the production and transport of equipment and personnel to unprecedented values.

Taking advantage of this was a new breed of pilots, eager to explore new systems and build a reputation in the new frontiers. The demand for qualified pilots was high but the budgets and the schedules were tight. The nonstop demand was spread to all types of roles and trades, no tasks were too big or too small, for most pilots all that mattered was to become reliable and indispensable in this new world of opportunities.
Every job was demanding and the earnings were not great, so if you wanted a glimpse at better contracts you had to work even harder and on tighter schedules. No need to say that not that many pilots were up to it. While those who delivered on schedule were known has “Jackrabbits”, those who fulfilled the big contracts were known as “Red Eyed Rabbits”, the sleep deprivation and the countless hours looking at flight screens turned their eyes red of fatigue.

Whit the exponential exploration of the galaxy, although the first contact whit the Banu back in 2438 had turned to be a peaceful one, what was about to happen was, at some point, inevitable. The tension whit the Xi’an, after the accidental discovery of their homeworld back in 2530, and the discovery of a combat driven race, the Tevarian, would lead to an unavoidable war in 2541.

Whit mankind forced into an undesirable war, most pilots were forced to join the UEE fleet to ensure the survival of our species. Many souls were lost, but for those who survived all the acquired experience would become for some a way of living, has they pursued in security or law enforcement roles, while for others, just some bad memories they would rather try and forget has they returned to their former ways of life.

For the next few decades a few more undesired wars would come, the 2nd Tevarian war in 2610 and the Vanduul raids starting in 2681.
The organization starts to take shape after these troubled times (around 2789), mankind was experiencing a sustained growth, the demand for experienced pilots became higher than ever due to the reconstruction efforts and the continuous expansion to new star systems, and so, a small group of pilots, taking advantage of all their joint experience in the most diverse roles, would join together and honor those values that had bond them together, founding the “Red Eyed Rabbits”, in honor of those whose reputation had become synonymous to commitment, reliability and professionalism.

The present-day, however, resembles little to our former glory, the economic collapse around the synthplanets drove most of our member families to ruin… but there is still hope, hope that the values that founded this organization may echo across the verse and hail our brothers.


RED-EYED RABBITS – What is there to know about?

  • Why Form an Organization From All the Archetypes Available – We have no hierarchy, meaning… we don’t have to salute and we don’t kiss ass (which roles out PMC’s and Corporations), we won’t be restrained to one activity but we intend on being law-abiding citizens (rolling out Syndicates), and finally everyone has their own beliefs but we don’t preach (rolling out Faith). Mockery aside, it’s simply the best archetype that fits our informal structure and laid-back attitude.
  • We Stand for Something – The Organization was formed whit the intent of uniting like-minded individuals in the verse. Individuals for whom words like “acceptance”, “respect”, “honesty” and “trust” count for everything as they are lived and just not spoken.
  • We Intent on Keeping It Simple and Focus on Pilots – The Organization wasn’t formed to be one of the tallest pyramids out there… the numbers help, we don’t intend on pretending they don’t, but only in some degree, they are not the most important and can become counterproductive! I’d rather have 5 people I know and got to trust than having 1000 contacts. Keep in mind that “the measure of who we are is in what we do whit what we have” (Vince Lombardy).
    But keeping it simple doesn’t have to mean unconnected, so with that in mind our affiliates are CEO’s, Founders, Generals, Prophets or even Bosses (there are some Robin Hoods out there) of their own “enterprises”, so trough a few affiliates the whole Organization has access to a whole wide range of contacts.
  • No Hierarchy or Ranking Systems – Has a member of the Red-Eyed Rabbits you will fly among your peers and be involved in the Organization as much as you see fit. Besides our Terms of Conduit, we will never impose anything, your path in the verse is yours to find. If you want we might keep you company along the way if your path coincides whit our own. So if you expect on being recognized for your efforts, regarding the Organization, all we can say is that you are free to start your own fleet/operation and ask for support (after all that’s the basic idea behind an Organization), the hierarchy of command and the rules of engagement will then be yours to establish and the recognition you expect will come at the eyes of those you fly whit. After all what is best then to be missed by your friends?
  • The Main Activity is Set to Freelancing – Since we are an Organization we don’t employ citizens, so our members are basically freelancers performing tasks/activities for entities inside or outside the Organization. While the Organization was initially formed mostly by transport pilots, we intend on providing (directly or indirectly) many other activities, after all, hauling cargo depends closely on trading, security, exploration, might even need some scouting/infiltration and, unfortunately, bounty hunting.
    The Red-Eyed Rabbits is currently looking for freelancers in the following roles: Transport, Trading, Security, Engineering, Resource Management, Bounty Hunting, Exploration, Infiltration, and Scouting.
  • No Imposed Activities – Citizens will not be “forced” to join any type of events for the Organization (operations, resource gathering, etc.). Instead, we encourage members to form groups inside or outside the Organization and create their own events.
  • No Imposed Goals – The Red Eyed Rabbits have no imposed timelines or goals. You can either be that casual pilot that knows there’s more to life than your Constellation or that kind of pilot that breathes engine fuel, we will care for both! You will be able to find pilots like you in the Organization, and what matters is that at any given time, you can count on having a Red-Eyed Rabbit has your wing-man or crew-member if you so see fit.
  • Tax-Free – The Red Eyed Rabbits is a non-lucrative Organization. We won’t charge you any tax or fees but we won’t have ship replacement policies either. Our intent is in providing our members and affiliates access to all sorts of engineered equipment at lower costs through our contacts network, after all, that Red-Eyed Rabbit you are helping to upgrade his ship today might prove invaluable as your wing-man tomorrow.
  • Role Play Friendly – Although we are set up has a role-play type, I would like to see people embrace it, but without the need to do it to its full extent. That means, while we all share some basic views, goals, and passions in the verse, not all of us share the same level of immersion in it. Therefore I think that the basic level of immersion required would be being able to leave the real-life issues outside the Organization channels, and while out there, focusing more on having fun.
  • No Base of Operations – Citizens joining the Organization will not be asked to move to a specific location in the verse. The idea is to allow members quick access to like-minded Organizations/individuals near their location throughout the verse.
  • No Application Forms – There will be no need for filling out forms or forum applications. There will never be an official Red-Eyed Rabbits Forum. None the less, members will be free to form their own Forum(s) and invite whoever they want to join them by the rules they see fit.

We will soon restart contacting other “enterprises” in order to expand our network. So far we have confirmed the following partnerships:

LYNX INDUSTRIESSecurity, Trading and Intelligence Services Providers
SPACE TRADERSTrading and Security Services Providers


APPLICATION – Membership

Only citizens can apply to the organization, any Enemies of the State applications will be disregarded.
When applying to the organization a citizen will enter an evaluation period regarding uniquely the terms of conduit specified below. The duration of the evaluation is not defined since there aren’t two pilots alike.

After the evaluation period the citizen will be given the rank:

  • The Red Eyed Rabbit (Rank 5)

APPLICATION – Affiliation

Only leaders of other enterprises should apply for affiliation whit the organization, any other applications will be most likely disregarded.

When affiliating with the organization the enterprise will enter an evaluation period where its members will be evaluated regarding the terms of conduit specified below and the enterprise values will be analyzed. The duration of the evaluation is not defined since there aren’t two enterprises alike.

The leader of the enterprise will also be asked to choose one of the following ranks, stating the affiliate enterprise’s primary activity:

  • Industry Partner – Primary activity set as Engineering/Resource Management.
  • Trading Partner – Primary activity set as Trade/Transport.
  • Intelligence Partner – Primary activity set as Exploration/Infiltration/Scouting.
  • Security Partner – Primary activity set as Security/Bounty Hunting.


Any member or affiliate of the organization will abide by the following terms of conduit:

  1. Any member or affiliate is allowed to pursue his best interests and act accordingly has long has he does not incur in acts of piracy, extortion, theft or slavery.
  2. Members are allowed and encouraged to help pilots inside or outside of the organization, has long has they do not assist acts of piracy, extortion, theft or slavery.
  3. Abusive, disruptive or disrespectful language or behavior will NOT be tolerated through any means of communication (skype, TS, Discord, etc.).
  4. Any actions which result in the labeling of the member has an Enemy of the State will result in his immediate membership termination.