Hell's Black Aces / HBA

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Guns for Hire… Everyone has a Price!


Hello Prospect,

We are openly recruiting for limited time basis to experience our values, training, and fundamentals. Upon completion of an unset amount of time (typically a week to a few depending on pilot experience and knowledge of the game and understanding teamwork) we consider the new player Vested. Since everyone upon joining gets the same privileges, it is seamless and we continue the learning.

For those who fall off the wagon along the way we wish them luck and success in what ever venture they choose to pursue.

We’ve repeated this process for months in MWO (years in various other games including MW4) and have added many quality pilots and friends to our foundation.

We don’t do mandatory practices, but we will get some practices together, against other teams and join some tournaments. We are developing and expanding our training program with the lifting of the NDA which allows us to do some cool things to help guide and bring members up to speed that would have been a little difficult before.

Please consider the following:

We require 18 years old+ ONLY sorry young’ins

Military experience is a PLUS! Not required and no we don’t do no “Yessir!! Bull****!” but it helps with the lingo and concentration in game and will be highly taken into consideration for any type of leadership roles in the future. We discuss team decisions together including Battle Strategies, Load Outs, Web Site Improvements, etc. with myself being the deciding vote.

We recruit members on a trial basis and review regularly. The first week is familiarization and getting to know each other, and then review your thoughts as well as ours after your first week to see where we as a team can improve and make yours and other recruits experiences better going forward. Call it a reflection on your time in and whether or not you feel we are giving you the type of team experience you want to continue playing for, and vice versa for us.

To Join =HBA=:

1. Go to our website and register www.hellsblackaces.com
2. Post in our Recruiting forum with your information

Our Ideal Recruit:

-Willingness to sacrifice for the team.

-Ability to refrain from drama.

-Have Discord with working speakers or headphone preferably with a working mic. At the very least able to hear us.**

If this at all sounds interesting to you, please come on by!

PhiLoSophy aka OnLashoc


