Hanging Gardens / HGTCO

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Transport


New and old players are welcome into this trade and industry based corporation. We support large group trade runs for profit and fun, as well as solo traders that just wish to have a friendly and inviting environment. We also invite those who would like to help escort our cargo.


It began with two men in a room..a smelly room. One room, with two men and two computers..but 4 monitors. These men had an idea. They each had an idea that would have very little to do with the other..but they decided to combine their idea’s to form the ultimate idea. Now their idea is unstoppable, and you are either with these men..or against them.

Who’s side are you on, then?


We want to build a large organization based upon industry and commercial shipping, a collection of traders that can freely interact with each other to help build profits while also having a dedicated security force from within to call upon should the need arise.

While members can choose to keep to themselves and join to simply utilize this organization to their benefit, we also hope to run large scale trading operations through our Merchantman and have dedicated players who can run escort for our merchants with compensation from the profits.


Members of the Hanging Gardens will:
  • …not engage in acts of aggression against other citizens
  • …not engage in harassment or abuse of other citizens
  • …refrain from racial or otherwise unseemly slurs
  • …not provoke other individuals or organizations
  • …follow commands from higher ranking members