Hit It Raw Space Corps / HIRESPC

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

We show up to blow stuff up and reap the rewards! Whether it’s for HIRE or for GREED! Not necessarily pirates, but act up accordingly and we will get our Monkey D. on!


Founded January 2, 2020, our organization has fought through the trials and tribulations of COVID-19 and the impact it placed on the verse. Currently operating as a rag tag group of free runners for hire, HIRESPC continues to operate along the grey lines of the UEE laws to make a place for itself in the universe. Officially organizing on February 4, 2024, in order to gradually grow the organization in preparation of continued progress within the verse.


Don’t get me to lying, we’re still working on this section!


Don’t get me to lying, we’re still working on this section!