Hephaestus Interstellar Contracting / HISECURITY

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Transport

Fire-Forged high-tech solutions to everyday problems anywhere in the U.E.E. and beyond;
With excellence and without exception.






Hephaestus Interstellar Contracting abides by a common code of ethics that all members are expected and required to follow. This document is a summation of that code and basic overview so that no member of the company is ignorant of these moral and ethical responsibilities or unaware of the possible legal ramifications of a failure to comply. As a security company, it is paramount we adhere to the highest principles and standards possible and to be distinguished as acting in such a manner.

The code applies to all members of Hephaestus Interstellar from Trainee to Commandant, as well as consultants, agents, subcontractors, vendors/suppliers, and other business entities that do business with the company. Throughout the code, any mention of employees or members is understood to include any of these additional parties except when explicitly stated otherwise.

The full copy of the code is available on demand by the Commandant of Hephaestus Interstellar. This is simply a summation for the benefit of the public and seperate business entities that seek to do business with the company.

We seek to abide by the highest standards of ethics, morality, and legality, and have developed an easy to follow listing of such principles, grouped by specific focus and summarized thusly:

Ethics – Avoid misrepresentation of the company, including false promises, misleading advertising, or promotion of our work that may lead to misconception on the part of our customers and refuse to accept any job that would put the employees in a conflict of interest. Refuse to accept or offer any gift, favor, or service in the performance of our duties.
Morality – Comply with all cultural and social norms of the cultures in which we work and operate. Act as concerned and responsible citizens and reflect the aspects of proper citizenship. Report any violations of laws against human trafficking. Use sound judgement and discretion in the performance of our duties.

Law – Regard proprietary company information as a valuable corporate asset, avoid the unauthorized disclosure of company business activities and respect proprietary information belonging to others. Conduct business in accordance with the letter and spirit of all the laws and regulations of the system governments in whose territory we operate, and applicable interstellar and sapient rights law. Do not engage in harassment of any kind.

As part of Hephaestus Interstellar’s commitment to ethics and compliance, all employees regardless of position in the company have a duty to promptly report any concerns or any actual or suspected misconduct or violation of this code. Failure to fulfill this duty is a violation of this code and may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment, in appropriate cases. Failure to report actual or suspected misconduct may also expose the company and its Admiralty, officers, and employees to criminal and civil penalties and damage the company’s reputation.