Hauling Interstellar Transport / HIT

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  • Transport

Welcome to Hauling Interstellar Transport Corporation Feel free to browse the member list and check our Recruitment section if you wish to join us.

“You want it, we haul it”


Hauling Interstellar Transport

Hauling Interstellar Transport was founded in 2460 as a family owned cargo enterprise at the hype of the space migrations. In the early years we established our headquarters on Saturn’s moon Titan to transport simple cargo between Titan to Earth and the surrounding planets and moons. Once planet Terra was colonized 56 years later, our enterprise ventured there to set up a second home office. 419 years hence, we are now in the process updating our fleets from contemporary cast-off shuttles to the new 30th century Top-of-the-Line Ships.


We aim to open trade routes and build bridges.


Rule 1: Be kind and courteous to others.
Rule 2: We will not tolerate theft of Corporate property nor our affiliates property.
Rule 3: We will not tolerate murder (team killing) or destruction of corporation property.
Rule 4: We will not tolerate unlawful releasing of corporate documents and breach of confidentiality.

Should you break any of the stated Rules you will either be executed via airlock or feed to the Xenomorphs.
RP Rule 1: This is a Roleplaying Corporation so when talking out of character try your best to included the term OOC.