Horizons Beyond Exploration Corporation / HZBECORP

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Resources

Come explore the infinite beyond, where limitless horizons await.


Established in the latter half of 2952, this small exploration company has blossomed in scope to rival even the largest organizations in the ‘verse. From medical services and security, to cargo haulage, to full scale industrial operations, no job is beyond the capabilities of Horizons Beyond.


Horizons Beyond Exploration Corporation prides itself in creating a safe and lucrative universe for all to thrive in. Operating within the confines of all standard UEE laws, we at HBEC strive to aid in the progressive expansion of all areas of commerce, and will continue to do our part to see humanity reach its fullest potential among the stars. TO HORIZONS BEYOND!


All members of Horizons Beyond Exploration Corporation will do their part for the betterment of all who call the void their home. Abiding by UEE and local system laws to fulfill our prime directive, to explore and aid our fellow citizens in expanding commerce to the farthest reaches of the ‘verse.