Interstellar Defence Initiative / IDI

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting




The Interstellar Defence Initiative aims to provide a wide variety of services for both government officials aswell as private parties including but not limited to:
  • Scouting
  • Security
  • Transport
  • Bounty hunting

At IDI’s core is its ability to provide stability and protection to people and locations experiencing turmoil whether caused by armed conflict, epidemics or natural or manmade disasters. We have the ability to quickly and efficiently deploy anywhere in the world to create a more secure environment for our customers. We take pride in our agility, speed and ability to execute.

Place your trust and confidence in Interstellar Defence Initiative.

Contact us today so we can assist you with your mission support or security challenges.


IDI operate under UEE protocol and are annually inspected by UEE Officials to make sure that we operate under the right regulations and standards.

Additional mission parameters are on a contract to contract basis.