Independent Freelance & Exploration Coalition / IFEC

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

The IFEC is a small independent exploration and freelance organization. We are a lax PVE focused org who aim to do a little bit of everything within SC. Our goals are to explore the verse, fulfill our contracts, and to improve and expand our fleet.


Our history is lacking as we are a recently founded Org. More to be added later


The IFEC goals are to:
-Explore the verse
-Expand and improve our fleet
-Conduct freelance contracting and see through to the completion of those contracts
-To be independent and have no ties or bindings to other organizations or governments
-To see to the security and safety of our members and property


Members of the IFEC, including leadership must abide by these standards:
-We will not conduct or resort to piracy
(Piracy being; stealing from living citizens, killing living citizens to acquire their property, holding property or other citizens for ransom, threatening with death or violence either to obtain their property or not, sabotaging other citizens property or organization property to aid in others or your own to obtain targeted party’s property or to ain in their destruction)

-We will not discriminate against our own members or other citizens
-We will not threaten, provoke, or attack other citizens, organizations, or governments without cause or unless they conflict or obstruct our contracts goal
-We will maintain Honor and Dignity within our practices
-We will not abandon our ships or fellow officers, unless ordered to do so by command with justified cause
-We will not tolerate corruption or favoritism within our organization and ranks
-We are all obligated to report all corruption and favoritism to our superiors (If your superior is suspected of corruption, favoritism, or treason, report them to the next higher up or to a founder)
-We will not fly, use gear or supplies belonging to a fellow officer or a citizen without the owners consent.
-We will respect other officers property and looting rights (If they found loot first, it is their loot unless they wish to share it. If multiple officers come across loot together, they must communicate amongst themselves and distribute the loot fairly to each other while keeping each others interests in mind)
-Members of the IFEC are free to donate to the organization as a whole or to fellow officers. However, your property is your own, and is your own to do with as you please. No member of the IFEC is permitted to demand access or ownership to another officer’s property (This counts as an offence), nor are officers allowed to ask for donations or handouts from other citizens or other officers.
-Officers seeking PvP are not permitted to attacking uninterested parties or innocent citizens (Any attack on a uninterested party or citizen is an offence. Any death of a uninterested or citizen is seen as murder and will invoke reprimands)

All regulations will be adjusted as time goes on.