Insomnium Intergalactic / INSOMNIUM

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You may have heard the stories. Does that make them true.. The Dream, The Nightmare. Insomnium Intergalactic


Insomnium Intergalactic, founded in the year 2944 by a small squad of ex Squadron ** pilots looking to make a name for themselves. After acquiring a small number of ships, they proceeded to make a name for themselves running goods into and through places no sane merchant would go. This by itself is nothing of note, however they left a wake of destruction behind them. Pirates and undesirables find them a hard mark. The paperwork from competing Organisations loosing ships when running similar routes have plagued insurance companies for the years since their founding.

After a short time running purely transportation they decided to branch out into other areas. A small increase in members and the purchase of some additional specialised ships and soon Insomnium Intergalactic were specializing in small contracting over most areas in the galaxy. Transport, Protection, Product Sales, Rare Item Acquisition, Threat Removals, Enhanced Area Analysis, they seemed to in the space of a year acquire a high quality name for most fields. Specialized being the key here as they almost never dealt in high bulk, and while they might travel to the far reaches of any system you required they take on only specialised tasks and charge a premium. but be sure they provide results.

As their name grew so did their fleet. although still small by all Organisation standards, they boast to only crew the more highly skilled and adventurous of the galaxies occupants. Called reclusive and elitist by other Organisations, others who have had personal contact have said they are more like a family, often referring to each other as brother (sister for the few females who have run with them over the years). Still those who have left them have never talked about it for good or bad. Forever enforcing whatever limited facts we have about them.

As the years proceed you will and wont be hearing more about this Small Specialized Organisation causing a lot of noise and talk throughout the galaxy.

“ ** Squadron number removed for legal purposes. “
“ Nalin´s Nightmare “


Its easy to say someone is the best. But here we are always trying to outdo ourselves. One can always strive to be better.

The Dream of accomplishing what we set out to do becomes our reality. And the Nightmares we cause spread through the stars in the screams of those who stand between us and our goals..



Former UEE Military granted honorable discharge and Mercantile papers by UEE officials to conduct business. Having waved their rights to the non return to service call, offer both in and outside UEE jurisdiction services with very firm contracts.