• Organization
  • Regular
  • Social
  • Freelancing

This is /int/ERKOSMOS. If you know what /int/ is or KC or even a Bernd, feel welcome. Apply for a membership and join the Chatroom. This is planned to be mainly a social Organization you can join besides your main to share common feels and interests.


Krautchan’s /int/ – Home of Feels and Balls

Born as /gb/, after a big british imageboard turned to shit, to provide a place where british imagerboard users could come together and to stop them from shitposting on /b/ it quickly grew bigger than it was ever imagined and turned to the first /int/ernational subsection of a national imageboard. This idea of an /int/ board was quickly stolen copied over by other imageboards such as ylilauta and the not so well known 4chongs (or something along the line), but their quality never reached the level of the original /int/.

From GF depressions to gaming groups

While the board was busy creating Memes left and right (exactly 2 to this point of date, 3 if you count Thinhairchinman, but you shouldn’t), many users started trying to distract themselves from their inability to talk to females in their age at all, like so often, by playing video games


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