Invictus Intergalactic Federation / INVFED

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Exploration




Check “Manifesto” for our official mission statement.


The end of the Messer Era was not a pretty sight, it divided the military in half. One side trying to uphold the name they had been fighting under for centuries. The other, fighting for the lives the Messers had taken. The revolution left the new UEE vulnerable. Still trying to get up on its feet, the UEE reached out to PMC groups for help in their ongoing war against the Vanduul. Although many opposed the thought, the revolution left them in shambles and they had no other choice but to seek outside help.

Allowing outsiders into their ranks proved challenging, and things took a turn for the worst when the UEE realized they had a traitor on the inside. It was the PMC group known as the Invictus Intergalactic Federation who uncovered the revenge plot set against the UEE while on a personal escort mission for Starlord. With no time to bring the information to UEE officials, they apprehended the traitor themselves. In a turn of events Starlord and his crew put their lives on the line, and INVFED lives were lost but countless citizen lives were saved. Although they were pirates, the UEE and its citizens had newfound respect for the INVFED and other PMCs alike.

In recognition of their heroic acts, the UEE Navy offered Starlord and his crew positions within the military and a pardon to any past crimes associated with them. The INVFED turned down the offer to work for the UEE, but instead are working alongside them. Starlord struck a deal with the Imperator in his favor. The INVFED has full security clearance within UEE territory, but is still considered a PMC. The INVFED can continue to exist on their own and take on private contracts, along with military contracts from the UEE, as long as they do not favor pirate activity. This was the Imperators one request. From that moment forward the INVFED decided to use all the knowledge gained from their pirate activities for good.


Our mission is to boldly explore, protect, and secure the frontiers of the stars. We strive to create and provide innovative military contracting solutions for our clients and partners that are reliable, cost-effective, and technologically advanced. We guarantee that our provided services are conducted with the utmost integrity, respect, and efficiency, while upholding the highest standards of safety and security. Through the advancement of our technology, tactics and expertise, we strive to become the leader in space military contracting and exploration.

  • There are three main divisions in the Federation; Armored, Starfighter, and Operations.
  • - Armored Division : The main combat force (non-dog-fighting) division, basically combat in space/ground (FPS), security of ships, bases, ground vehicles combat, and more.
  • - Starfighter Division: The main dog-fighting division that holds all of the fighters, non-capital bombers, EMP, and tactical ships.
  • - Operations Division: The non-combat support and logistics division of the org, this division will ensure everything is always up and running and will support the economy of the org.
  • - Fleet Command brings all 3 divisions together, holding Admirals that can command battle-groups containing several capital ships.





    There is a Zero Tolerance Policy for ALL Abuse and Harassment in Discord and In-game Chat, as a member/affiliate you represent the Organization in a professional manner at all times. Any member/affiliate that breaks this rule will be KICKED / BANNED without warning, and removed from all INVFED rosters immediately.
  1. - DON’T BE A JERK.
    We’re a friendly Star Citizen community of gamers who gather to play games together. Respect other members and avoid conflict or drama. If you are made to feel uncomfortable or feel like someone is violating the rules, Direct Message your Division Leadership first for help and try to include a screenshot of the violation.
    If they don’t respond within a day, Direct Message an INVFED Command Member.
    Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. All members/affiliates are required to be at least the age of 18 years old to maintain an expected maturity level.
    This includes but is not limited to; excessive noises, singing/music, voice modding, and off topic chat during an event.
    Maintain communication discipline and stick to the mission.
    Any action that would derail an event or cause disruption may be subject to a removal from the op.
    Excessive use warrants a Timeout (Temporary removal from VoIP and Text channels are locked) by Senior Officers and above, you are subject to forced removal from VOIP rooms.
    Extreme offenses will result in a KICK / BAN from the org.
    Divisive topics like real world politics, religion, etc. and talking about your personal life, situation, mental state, political view/affiliation, and controversial topics have no place in the organization.
    DO NOT DISCUSS IT HERE, If you wish to talk about it, Direct Message the person/s you wish to chat with about it.
    You take the consequences on yourself once you engage in this conversation.
    Spamming, Promoting Other Organization, Disrupting the Organization structure is strictly prohibited. Utilizing any self made, or community made tools that undermines the Organization structure is not allowed. Privatization of business within the Organization is NOT allowed.
    In order to undermine the Bank, Operations Corps Division role, or any Division role, and INVFED as a whole.
    Simply put, INVFED members should not be profiting off of each other in any official or unofficial capacity.
    We’re here to play together and grow as an Organization!
    It is required that you have a microphone.
    Voice modifying software / hardware (Voice Changers) that modify your voice are NOT allowed.
  1. - PLAYER Piracy/Griefing
    We are NOT Pirates nor do we want to Represent the ORG as Pirates, Piracy Missions are okay (knowing you will most likely get a crime-stat).
    Actively Engaging Friendly Targets to Provoke someone to Attack You is NOT Allowed.
    If you’re Provoked or Protecting someone who has fallen victim to a Pirate or Griefer, We encourage you to stick up for the person who can’t defend themselves (Cargo ship, Miner, Ect.).
    If you wish to be a Pirate or Grief, This Organization may not be right for you.

Dynamic Events (JumpTown/XenoThreat) : Some server wide events are created by CIG to encourage PvP. During these events our org rules are still applicable. We will not endorse blatant piracy or griefing of others at these events. We encourage our org members to try and recruit/group up with those doing these events.
If you are provoked (Actively engaged) then you are free to defend yourselves and fight back.

Officers can host impromptu/unofficial events at these Dynamic Event locations where they can provide protection to our org members but also open the outpost to random players to come in make money in cargo/non combat ships/starter ships. Officer leading the event needs to clearly state this in global chat and is the only one who should handle global chat.

You can setup protocol for random players entering the AO (max speed limit or type of ship or max 4 boxes per run per player).
Maybe encourage them to join Discord so the communication is easier and then there is higher chance or recruitment.
Official Ops are the only ones allowed to lockdown the dynamic event areas. Official Ops need to be approved by INVFED Command

  1. - You can be part of other orgs with the following rules :
    Yes, as an Affiliate.
    - Set INVFED as Affiliate. (Restricted Access to ORG assets)
    - MUST NOT be in a Syndicate (Pirate) Organization.
    - MUST NOT be Redacted / Hidden Organization (INVFED or other organizations)
    - Absolutely NO PROMOTING of any other org in Discord (voice/text channels) – Repeated offenders will be kicked/banned


Yes, as an Enlisted Member.
- Set INVFED as Primary Organization. (Full ORG Access to Assets)
- MUST NOT be in a PMC or Syndicate (Pirate) Organization.
- MUST NOT be Redacted / Hidden Organization (INVFED or other organizations).
- No Rank/Role in other Organizations

  1. - Streaming / Recording :
    Streaming and recording are generally positive exposure for the organization. Streaming leads to potential recruits. Streaming or recording is generally done for the overall benefit of the Org. The following rules apply to both Streamers, and those who wish to record footage to compile into videos at a later date. (See Discord #rules-and-info channel for more info)