Interstellar Order of Thales / IOOT

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“Science discerns the laws of nature. Industry applies them to the needs of man.”

IOOT takes every opportunity to advance known sciences and discover new. That work is supported by our heavy industrial, security, and diplomatic divisions. ALL are needed and invited to join us!


“Science discerns the laws of nature. Industry applies them to the needs of man.”

The interstellar Order of Thales, (IOOT), was founded on Earth in 2019. Several of our founding members were involved in the research at NASA that eventually led to the development and creation of the first quantum drive. Later, other members of IOOT helped design, and then served as science officers and engineers on the UEE Artemis, and countless interstellar journeys since. Our members have been at the forefront of every significant scientific discovery since humanity became interstellar.

Soon after the first quantum engine proved space worthy, IOOT realized that in order to have access to the desired opportunities to conduct research in both known and soon to be discovered fields of science, we would need to expand our organization into heavy industry. That expansion provided us with the raw materials we need for research, as well as helped fund our expansions across known space. That led to the creation of our Security and Diplomatic divisions to facilitate all needed to support our science and industrial divisions, to help get our ships in every corner of the galaxy that we could, short of Vanduul controlled space, (though IOOT has conducted a few successful missions in Vanduul controlled space).

IOOT is currently led by Chairman Dorian Skyphire, and has operations and projects underway across many star systems in known space.


“Science discerns the laws of nature. Industry applies them to the needs of man.”

The Interstellar Order of Thales takes every opportunity to advance known sciences and discover new. We make those discoveries available to citizens of the UEE through our heavy industrial division. We utilize our Security division to keep our fleets and projects well protected. Our Diplomatic division will negotiate and secure peaceful opportunities for our members, and when opportunity presents itself, member’s affiliated orgs. We welcome ALL citizens who wish to support our greater mission, regardless of what ships they own (or don’t own).

The improvements to life and technology that we pioneer will be made possible by both the drive of our member’s passionate pursuit of industry, but also a shared excitement when diving into the unknown worlds of scientific research and discovery. We intend to break and exceed the limitations of known science and technology with the pinnacle platform of scientific research, our fleet of Endeavors.


Charter for the Interstellar Order of Thales

Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the “Interstellar Order of Thales” (IOOT)

Article II: Purpose

Section I

The purpose of the Interstellar Order of Thales is to recruit, retain, and engage all: scientists, industrialists, combat/security experts, and diplomats, (along with anyone who wishes to join and participate in our org missions, whether as ship owners, or people who wish to crew or support any of our projects in whatever capacity).

IOOT is an org devoted to supporting and promoting scientific research, with an industrial backbone to keep the org financially fluid so we can market our discoveries to citizens of the UEE and other allies.

Section II

IOOT will provide infrastructure (both physical and organizational) in the interest of optimal performance for both org and membership.
• Physical infrastructure will include physical org bases on ground and capital ships for mobile bases, along with any and all appropriate or required support for org ships, required supplies/components, and crews used in org funded research projects/ventures.
• Organizational infrastructure will include leadership with a clear vision, (and open door to members), recruiting, training, security (physical and data), and diplomatic efforts (ie: permission to work in star systems that may be hostile to some citizens or their primary orgs if they are not primarily in IOOT). It will also provide a unified body for owners of Endeavors to gather and share valuable scientific data and discoveries with other owners. We will also endeavor to collaborate with MISC on opportunities for improvement to the Endeavor as well as any (present or future) modules or science/research/medical vessels by any manufacturer, that may be released in the future.

Article III: Membership

Section I

This is the breakdown for rank structure in IOOT:
• Chairman (Founder and Leader of IOOT)
• Chief Division Officer (Industry, Security, Diplomacy, Science and Administrative)
• Director (Officers that serve their Chief Division Officer or Chairman)
• Fellow (Senior member role, non-officer. They can function as project leaders on tasks not requiring Officer engagement. They will assist in mentoring/coaching new recruits)
• Associate (Someone who has proven themselves an asset to the org and has adapted to org culture and ethics. They will also mentor/coach new recruits)
• Apprentice (New recruit, will require mentoring/coaching until they find their feet in the org)

IOOT extends membership to all citizens of the UEE, to provide a united and constructive community in the support of scientific and industrial advancement. All members are encouraged to participate in all meetings and sponsored event/projects.

Section II

Having a living document of our fleet ship resources will be vital to IOOT to help plan all projects and ventures we will fund/sponsor. Accordingly, all members are required to coordinate with the Chiefs of: Science and Research, Security, Industry, and Diplomacy to provide information on what ships they are willing to offer IOOT for official/sponsored projects.

Section III

IOOT members will not participate in attacks on other members, regardless of what their other organizational leadership may ask of them. If member orgs are taking hostile action towards each other, members are expected and required to not participate in any action that would destroy property or life of another IOOT member. If it all possible IOOT members should try and work with their leadership to prevent any hostile action against IOOT members. We have diplomatic resources available to work with member’s orgs upon request.

Section IV

No bigotry will be permitted or tolerated. Ever. The org is very diverse by way of nationality, sexuality, ethnicity, sexual identity. If members are caught/proven to be making statements that are bigoted in nature (whether intended as a joke or not), and directed to someone on basis of nationality, ethnicity, sexuality, or gender identity, they will be censured, or if the statement was caustic/damaging enough, permanently banned from membership, and potentially blacklisted with our allied orgs and alliances. That said, we are an org filled with adults, please don’t look for opportunities to take offense, but if someone crosses the line, we want you to report it, if you are unable to resolve it yourself.

Section V

Problems occurring between members should be solved between the involved parties when and where possible, and not be inflicted upon the entire organization. In the cases where private resolution is not possible, bring it to the attention of the Division Chiefs and the Chairman. They will appoint 3 officers who will listen to all sides, review any provided evidence or testimony, and decide on appropriate actions moving forward (up to, and including, possible expulsion from IOOT and blacklisting in severe situations). These officer appointments will only be good for the time needed for them to come to a final decision. If a ‘losing side’ feels their decision is unjust, they can petition to have the case heard by IOOT’s chairman, with the understanding that the Chairman’s decision will be final.

Section VI

If you expect to participate in any “unlawful” activities in game, it is requested you NOT have that character in IOOT in game, and instead use an alt account. We don’t want to have our organizational ventures or reputation negatively affected by the actions of a few.

IOOT is a lawful organization in game, meaning people who choose to join the org will agree to NOT be involved in or conduct any unlawful business or activities that could negatively affect the org or our membership at large.

Section VII

Primary membership for IOOT members is not required in-game but is encouraged where possible (due to game mechanics, Officers may be required to make it their primary org). Our discord and RSI provided org Spectrum page will serve as the primary communication and networking tools for members for the foreseeable future.

Section VIII

When new discoveries are made on any project that is funded and/or supported by the org, the org will receive a percentage of any profits made from the sale/use of the final product. The appropriate percentage will be negotiated at the time the agreement is finalized, if at any time it is determined that the level of needed support or funding is dramatically inaccurate, either party can request renegotiation of the percentage.

(To be evaluated at a future date.. once we have more information about the in-game Ark/Galactipedia, we may also require that any org funded/supported ventures also be credited with the discovery/research/data)

Article IV: Meetings and Voting Mechanics

Section I

Meetings will be scheduled on an “as needed” basis, but with as much advance notice as possible. While not mandatory for membership, attendance is heavily encouraged.

Section II

Decisions at all meetings regarding any action or future actions of the org, or regarding the philosophy of the group, shall be reached by consensus of all present members, with final approval by the Chairman.

Section III

There will be a steering committee to offer suggestions (projects, changes, etc) to the Chairman. The committee will consist of at least one Officer, a Fellow, and an Associate. Fellow and Associate member selections for committee’s will be made by the Officers and/or the Chairman, based on people in those roles who are regularly constructive and educated about in game issues as they relate to, or impact, our collective membership and the immediate issue.

Section IV

The Chairman (or their publicly appointed representative in their absence) shall facilitate all meetings and shall have the authority to act on behalf of the organization when matters require immediate action.

Section V

Meetings will be declared in advance (when possible) and held in our Meeting Room channel on Discord. Votes will be held on issues at the conclusion of meetings in which they are on the agenda, and fully discussed. If we are clearly not close to a decision on an issue by the end of the meeting, it is at the discretion of the Chairman or Officer-In-Charge, to set a second date/time to conclude the discussion and hold the vote. For particularly complex issues or issues of significant impact to the org, voting may be extended for a day or two, to allow everyone an acceptable amount of time to ruminate
In the event of a tie, the Chairman will make final decision on the issue.

Section VI
Votes will ONLY be tallied for those who are present at the time voting is called and tallied (this is ensure all votes are based on the information present during the meeting, which obviously could alter significantly from opinions formed prior to the meeting itself). A simple majority vote of all present members will be needed to ‘win’ on any vote taken.

Section VII
Any issue deemed significant enough to require a vote by members will have a time and date provided for a structured discussion/debate. Members will need to petition Officers, with a minimum requirement of 10% of membership be present at the specified date and time, requesting a vote. The Chairman can call a forum or meeting at any time.

Section VIII

Temporary Director appointments will be made, as needed, by the Chairman or a Division Chief.

Article V: Officers, Appointments, and Voting Mechanics

Section I

The officer ranks of the organization:
• Chairman
• Divisional Chief Officers will be appointed by the Chairman (Chief of Industry, Chief of Security, Chief of Diplomacy, Chief of Science and Research, Chief of Administration)
• Directors will be appointed for specific functions by the Division Chiefs as they see fit to serve in their divisions. The Chairman can appoint people to officer rank at will for whatever purpose they need (permanent or temporary)

When appropriate, the Chairman and/or Officers will appoint chair/ co-chair/ committee chairs/committee members for particularly complex issues that come to vote, (one example is the org providing official funding to specific projects or ventures proposed by members). They will conduct research and data analysis and provide the org with a few viable suggestions (or suggested approval by the org), and the org would vote based on those options.

Section II

The Chairman (or their publicly appointed representative in their absence) shall facilitate all meetings and shall have the authority to act on behalf of the organization when matters require immediate action.

Section III

In the event that any member feels that an officer is failing to adequately/appropriately fulfill his/her duties, they should contact the appropriate Division Chief. If their complaint is regarding a Division chief, they are invited to bring it to the Chairman. Complaints filed will be required to also provide evidence of said failure(s)or to support their claim. This should only relate to issues that impact the org at large, not personal grievances. Personal grievances should be filed with the appropriate Director in the Administrative Division.

If a member has a complaint about the Chairman, they should bring it to the attention of the Chief Administration Officer who will investigate, discuss with 2 other Division Chiefs, and then decide if the Chairman acted in appropriately. If they decide the chairman acted inappropriately, upon member request, they can counsel the Chairman in a way that will keep the identity of the member filing the grievance, anonymous.


Article I: Membership Privileges

Section I

All members present for meetings and voting, will count as ‘1’ vote at this time

(more to come as we get a better understanding of incoming game mechanics)

Article II: Amendments

Section I

(will add amendments made to charter after its original submission, as they are made or voted into place)