• Organization
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Trading
  • Security

The premier organization to feature a dynamic fleet system, a useful leadership structure,
a flexible role system, and a unique community of friendly and committed members

Balanced design made for gameplay!

Explore all possibilities with our Flexible Role System!

Both seriousness and fun in mind!



Overview page


For a quick overview of who we are, look below on the bottom of the page!

For more detailed information about us, click on Manifesto.

For our rules, click on Charter.

We are recruiting!
Please see our “application info” in the Charter section for further info, and feel free to contact us if there are any questions! Simply contact us in discord or spectrum for questions, and join us on discord for further contact.
We are active in Star Citizen almost every day!


Contact info


Discord link:
Spectrum link:


Founder / Management:
Founding Advisor / Management:
Senior Members:


Application info


How to apply to Iridium Confederation:

Currently, we don’t require any written application. You do not need to send an application on this page.

Simply contact or message us directly on Discord any time, or send a message here on RSI spectrum, and we will set up a small interview!



This outlines who we are and what we do in a detailed fashion.

For a shorter version, please take a look at the big picture at the bottom of the organization page!


Purpose and Goals:


Iridium Confederation is a multi-purpose Star Citizen group, with many people working together to reach larger goals, for the benefit of the group and all its members.

We strive to become a medium- to large-sized international organization with members engaged in all gameplay areas of Star Citizen.


Our focus is on all gameplay areas that are fun and rewarding for our members.
We will concentrate on cargo transport, control over resources, and the security, exploration, and fleet support necessary for it. But we will also create proper exploration fleets, or help in large battles against Vanduul or PvP Outlaws, when members are interested and available for it.


We don’t want to become too big, or stay too small. We don’t want to regulate the fun out of gaming or create super-large hierarchies, but we also don’t want to be unorganized or aimless.

We want to achieve a perfect balance.

We are always looking for the right members. If you are a team-focused Star Citizen player who is interested in supporting an organization that plans to grow and prosper with time, consider Iridium Confederation.




Star Citizen is a complex world and requires people to work together. There are dozens of roles and responsibilities within the game. Iridium Confederation does not lock-up members within these roles – rather our members enjoy freedom.
Take on everything that Star Citizen has to offer!


In our dynamic fleet system, Members can freely join operations and fleets lead by Operation Commanders. Within those fleets, they are free to provide their skills and assets according to what they want and what the mission requires.

There are no divisions (like “combat”, “exploration division”, etc.) that would overcomplicate this, so members are free to join fleets in all kinds of different roles as needed and wanted – nobody is restricted to one role, or expected to always help in only one division.

Members can also create (temporary) fleets on their own. Whether it’s a smaller group catching up to a main fleet, or some members just wanting to do something different, they are encouraged to create their own fleet to organize this.


For group operations, Iridium Confederation, represented by Commanders and Managers, can act as an employer for organization purposes. Income from fleets will be shared fairly among all participants, and with open market prices in mind.

We currently do not plan to enact a tax system, but we might create incentives to help in larger projects, depending on feedback from our members. Iridium Confederation will always provide a benefit for all members.




Our leadership system is structured to provide better coverage (People in different time zones), good communication (Ideas shared between multiple people), fairness (A more structured system stands against favoritism), and to make it more approachable (Multiple people to talk to in case of problems or questions).


The leadership system will be expanded in a flexible manner. This planned leadership system contains:

The Leadership Board, a meeting of all leadership positions to gather information, experiences, and to make decisions. Important structural decisions are made by the Management Board connected to the meeting.

Managers, including the Founder as Head of Management, who organize and vote in the Management Board, issue high-level commands to all other positions and manage the organization.

Supervisors, who help management with internal and moderation issues, and are available for members for questions. They are also the second-in-command for when Managers are not available.

Operation Commanders, who announce, organize, manage, and lead organization activities, and work together with Management to execute the plans of the groups. They either work under Management, start their own operations, or help with existing ones.

Advisors for all kinds of fields of expertise, who advise and help Management and Command, help the organization in their areas and for general leadership tasks, and who also advice and help all members in their fields.


For more information and transparency, a public version of our leadership system and guidelines can be found here:


Commitment level:


We understand that real life comes first and offer our members to set their own level of time commitment towards the group.

We do require our members to have regular contact with the group and to keep us updated about their commitment level. This makes group activities more predictable and plannable for everybody.

Our approach to activity and our fleet and leadership system allows regular, hardcore, and casual player to work together without complications.


Rank system:


To motivate and encourage our members to participate and succeed in group operations and help each other, we have a simple member rank system, from “New members” to “Veteran members”.

Members can gain recognition through participation and success in group operations in all areas of gameplay, and as a crew member.
Moving up in our rank system will allow a member to participate more when leaders make decisions, receive higher priority for access to group-owned assets and organization hangars, and generally means they are a core member of our community.

Generally, we see all members as equals, and ranks only as a way to organize our operations.


Our rank system will never exclude members from receiving fair profits or member benefits.

We believe that the primary motivation of our members should come from the fun they have in group operations and in our community, and benefits our group can offer should be for all members, not just a select few.




Iridium Confederation is not a roleplay organization, but encourages some light role/hierarchy/situational role play to create more epic or more immersive situations.

We do not require our members to create characters or background stories, nor do we constrain our play styles based on role-play.

We encourage our members to respond in a thoughtful manner when playing with more roleplay-oriented people or organizations.


Ingame Affiliation and Alliances:


Iridium Confederation is a for-profit organization within the UEE, and sees its members as good friends, employees, and business partners. We side with humans, both Terra and Earth.

Officially, any member is to follow UEE law and regulations at all times.

We currently do not plan to join any larger alliances, and we will not merge with other groups. Later on, we might form or join alliances with other groups, who are like-minded and who have become directly connected with us ingame through friendship or economy.


Other games:


While Iridium Confederation has been created for Star Citizen, our organization, leadership structure, and dynamic fleet system can also be transferred to other games, as it is highly flexible and capable of creating leadership structures for a variety of situations.

Just share what games you play, and ask other members!


This outlines our rules and guidelines. At the end, you can also find our application rules.


General Rules:


Our members are active for the organization and for each other. When you are online in Star Citizen, and see that members could use your help, then help, whenever you can.

Of course, real life comes first, and there might be times when you can’t be active as much as before, or times where you are active a lot. Keep the group updated about your commitment level, and check and read group updates regularly.

Going inactive is allowed as long as it is announced. Unannounced inactivity (ingame and discord) will lead to inactivity status, and eventually to removal from the group.

Iridium Confederation has to be your only primary organization for Star Citizen, at all times. Any change in org affiliation or membership has to be communicated beforehand.


We as a group want to be professional and group-focused, while still allowing for fun. Contribute towards a positive atmosphere. Be honest, nice, and understanding.

Members always support each other, even in difficult situations.
If conflicts arise, handle other people in a professional manner, and in private. Personal attacks are not allowed. Leadership is to be called in cases of rule breaking. If you get too emotional, come back later to solve a dispute more calmly.

Do not be offended at strong language. Do not be offended at jokes. However, if you do use offensive jokes or strong language, don’t overdo it – Be serious when the situation requires it.


Being a member of Iridium Confederation means upholding all the organizations values, rules, and goals, and representing the organization in a positive way.

Do not engage in negative discussions about this group. Do not talk about any internal information, plans, or decisions with people outside the organization. Official information will be shared through Management/leadership, not casually by members.

We want to be a positive and rational influence in Star Citizens development and towards CIG. Do not become unreasonably or aggressively negative (or positive). Do not break forum rules, or other platform-depending rules, or behave badly in official forums.


Do not be afraid to talk to leaders. The leadership system is there for you to communicate to, it’s made for you. Ask them about the weather, or something.

Always follow the group management and moderation of Founder, Management, Supervisors, Operational Command, and Advisors. Never publicly complain or argue about moderation decisions. Never publicly complain about leadership, instead submit feedback to them.

Any issues, questions, or feedback with policies, rules, commands, decisions, or moderation, is to be directed to Supervisors first, or Management second. They are there to help you, contact them whenever you feel you need to.


Ingame Rules:


Every member in Iridium Confederation is your friend, and we stand united. Be trustworthy and friendly towards other members, and towards others. Never kill, harm, backstab, steal from, or scam another member or ally. When you accept a mission, do it properly and professionally. Never act against the interests of the organization.


When part of a fleet, operation, or if you are available for such group activities, always follow the commands coming from the chain of command (Founder, Management, Operational Command, Ship/Group Captain, Crew officers).

When in a fleet or under a Commander, follow commands immediately and without complaint. Feedback is welcome, but once a command has been confirmed, follow it. Fulfill the intent of commands, not just the exact wording. It is your duty to take the initiative – no one is going to micromanage you.


Help other members whenever possible. Engage in organization activities, or cooperate with other members, whenever possible. Do not be afraid to create your own temporary fleets to work together with other members, or try helping a Commander with creating a fleet.

When you start a temporary fleet as a group, please declare one person as the fleet commander (or ship captain), and make a brief post in the fleet chat on our discord group for others to see. Others might want to join you.


Do not engage in activities illegal in the UEE. Do not get caught engaging in activities illegal in the UEE.

Respect any alliance agreements made by our group. Treat other groups and other people with respect, and be a friendly and trustworthy member of the SC community.

The policies, politics, and fellow members of Iridium Confederation always come first. Within allied fleets or joint operations, follow common procedures and commands by allied organizations and commanders if decided upon by the structure of the fleet.

Do not be obnoxious in ingame or group chats or forums. In larger group operations, keep com-channels clear.


Breaking any of these rules can lead to problems and will be met with ban, removal, degradation, or some harsh words, depending on severity.

Punishment for breaking rules ingame is decided by the respective Operational Commander if the member is operating within a fleet, or by any available leadership member.
Any issues with moderation can be bought up with Supervisors afterwards, who can take it to Leadership Board meetings if desired.


Application rules:


We are always looking for the right members! If you are a team-focused Star Citizen player who is interested in supporting an organization that plans to grow and prosper with time, consider Iridium Confederation!

Please make note of the following when applying:

You must be 18 or older. Some exceptions can be made.

We are searching for people who are mature, responsible, rational, respectful, non-extremist, some even go as far as to call it “drama-free”. Someone who can have some fun without ending up in a fight.

We require regular contact with the group and activity in Star Citizen. Right now, this rule is a little soft, but after release, activity with the group will be a requirement.

Please note that Iridium Confederation must be your only primary organization. We do allow other memberships in minor social-oriented, or joke-organizations. We expect members to stay with us.

Members need to understand and follow our rules and guidelines.