Inquisitorium / IREN

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling

Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.
Through Passion I gain Strength.
Through Strength I gain Power.
Through Power I gain Victory.
Through Victory my chains are Broken.
The Verse shall free me.


First formed under the Inquisitorium brand in 2011, on the Jedi Tower server of Star Wars: The old Republics beta, the Inquisitoriums core players are a band of siblings, old friends, relatives and most importantly long time gamers.

Not only at home in the MMO genre, though wildly successful, we have accumulated skills in all regions of gameplay.
From tedious construction, mining and farming to programming, from Space and Airflight and piloting dogfights to grimy encounters in the ditches of the old terran world wars, we have a wide selection of skills, and are determined to make a name for ourselves and go down in galactic history.

With a leadership in place that trusts eachother explicitly, the Inquisitorium arrives to conquer yet another game.

Please note, this is a German only ORG, sorry for any trouble


Eine Mitgliedschaft im Inquisitorium bedeutet, seine ganze Fertigkeit aufzuwenden, um das Verse nicht nur selbst zu geniessen, sondern als Gruppe gemeinsam immer neue Möglichkeiten für alle zu organisieren.

Jeder hat die Möglichkeit, sein eigenes Ding zu machen, oder seine eigene Gruppe zu bilden.
Wer allerdings das Bedürfnis, und auch die Fähigkeit hat, innerhalb der Gemeinschaft Verantwortung zu übernehmen,
kann mit unseren Ressourcen und unserem Engagement rechnen.

Alles weitere, sowie die genaue Befehlsstruktur, ist nur intern offen.


The public rules for members of IREN:

- Hands off S&R
- Hands off affiliated ORGs
- Don’t fuck up