Iron Sun / IRONSUN

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As the blood of our ancestors courses through our veins, we too flow freely among the stars. Without our past we hold no future, we hold close to our roots to keep us on an even keel. Our code of honor, loyalty, strength, and fairness forge a bond between brothers stronger than any steel. We believe in keeping the old ways alive through our actions, and to disrespect one’s lineage is a crime punishable by a trial of combat. Here we have no masters, only brothers.


“When you come upon misdeeds speak out about those misdeeds, and give your enemies no peace.”

“Never walk away from home ahead of your axe and sword. You can’t feel a battle in your bones or foresee a fight.”

“Cattle die, kindred die, Every man is mortal: But the good name never dies of one who has done well.”

“Wake early if you want another man’s life or land. No lamb for the lazy wolf. No battle’s won in bed.”

“He is unhappy and ill-tempered who meets all with mockery.”

“Be your friend’s true friend. Return gift for gift.”

“He is truly wise who’s traveled far and knows the ways of the world. He who has travelled can tell what spirit governs the men he meets.”