Isidore Trade & Agro Solutions, Inc. / ISIDORE

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Resources

Isidore Trade & Agro Solutions is dedicated to meeting your needs and respecting you equally, as an ongoing or a one-time client. ITAS offers itself as a mature partner for trade, with caring pilots to move your goods from one place to another.


  • April 25, 2947 – Isidore Shipping Company is rebranded as Isidore Trade & Agro Solutions, Inc.

  • October 27, 2945ITAS begins the recruitment process for its professional pilots.

  • October 23, 2944 – Mercury Inc becomes an affiliate of ITAS under the terms of the ITASMERCURY INC Trade Alliance official document.

  • 2944ITAS is entered into the UEE records of business organizations, specifically categorized under Trading and Transport.

  • Matthew Asteria set out to make his entrepreneurial dreams become a reality, and thus Isidore Trade Corp. was founded. With high quality shipping in mind, he created a business model, carefully planned out future objectives, and looked for investors and affiliates.


Isidore Trade & Agro Solutions is driven by quality of performance, before quantity. We believe shipping goods from location to location should be handled with care and expertise, and that’s why our pilots are selected carefully by our business supervisors. ITAS pilots are required to take their work seriously and be professional in their interactions with clients. ITAS’ association with other organizations helps supply pilots with escort fighter pilots to keep our ships, our pilots, and your cargo safe. ITAS aims to give you the best experience, and to be your one and only cargo solution.

// Contact our business supervisors to set up an appointment to discuss becoming a client, a pilot, or an affiliated organization.


Isidore Trade & Agro Solutions’ pilots are hand selected and are ranked by experience. Our business supervisors select pilots to be promoted to a higher status based off of experience with the company or with another similarly structured company.

ITAS pilots are required to interact with clients in a respectful manner and report to higher ranking pilots if problems arise. In doing so they should get the client’s cargo from point A to point B safely and secured.

Company Management Positions

Business Supervisor
Member(s) of the company that organizes, records, and plans all business relations with clients and other organizations; also evaluates the efficiency and work ethic of each pilot.

Chief Executive Pilot [CEP]
A pilot that exudes the desired attributes of a proper ITAS pilot. Pilots with this rank work closely with the business supervisors in regards to promotions, client relations, and business decisions. CEPs are also given the responsibility to seek business opportunities with clients on behalf of ITAS. This position carries weight with its high level of responsibility, therefore not many employees of ITAS will achieve this rank.

Resource Adviser
This is a specialist position that assigned to an employee of ITAS who is responsible for keeping track of the company’s resources, such as financial resources, inventory, production resources, and intelligence. Resource Advisers work with CEPs and Business Supervisors to allocate resources in the most efficient and effective way for the company’s best interest.

Pilot Ranks

Senior Captain [SC]
A pilot which speaks for himself/herself through their actions as an efficient ITAS pilot. Pilots with this rank are given the opportunity to work with business supervisors and CEPs to discuss promotions and client relations. These pilots relay information and task descriptions to lower ranking pilots.

First Officer [FO]
A co-pilot whose primary active position is alongside a Senior Captain in a multi-crew ship. They are the a second pair of eyes and ears that should always be attentive and respond the Senior Captain’s orders and needs. They can serve as a vital crew member to the success of trade runs.

Auxiliary Pilot [AP]
This pilot is a general pilot manning a single-crew ship. Their main goal is to support the larger multi-crew ships, and may or may not carry their own cargo load as well if space permits.

Recruits will be placed wherever they need to be, whether it be a deckhand on a multi-crew ship, a temporary co-pilot, or a pilot manning a single-crew ship. Based on their performance they will be promoted. The rank they are promoted to depends on where the Business Supervisor and/or Chief Exec. Pilot feels the recruit will excel most in. That means if a recruit proves to be proficient early on as a co-pilot or other crew member on a multi-crew ship, they may promoted directly to First Officer.

// Each rank comes with its own set of responsibilities within ITAS. Promotions to higher ranking titles will be earned through the pilot’s’ proficiency in their current positions. These ranks don’t necessarily emulate a hierarchy of positions, but rather pilots are promoted based on their skill and potential in certain positions. A pilot coming in with a multi-crew ship and skill flying it may be hired by ITAS as a Senior Captain immediately. Higher ranked personnel may assume roles that are entitled to lower ranking pilots, but ITAS personnel will typically not assume roles higher than their rank unless directed by a higher ranking pilot (e.g. Senior Captain is short a First Officer, an Auxiliary Pilot can assume that role for that task). The job title ranks are more fluid rather than a static hierarchical system, and act as the primary job each employee will assume.