Intergalactic Tactical Bacon Co. / ITACBAC

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Resources

iTACAB…..the universal leaders in deep space exploration, resource and mineral transportation, and of course, producers of the universally acclaimed Intergalactic Tactical Bacon!


The Intergalactic Tactical Bacon Company (also known as iTACBAC) was founded in 2844 by Abren Kamber and Markus Coots not long after the Great Davian Bacon Recession of 2835. Thanks to the infestation of Tractus Sues Influenza (TSI) which is more commonly known as Space Swine Flu, all stores and stocks of Intergalactic Bacon, including farmable livestock, were destroyed throughout the Davian system and a block on all import/export suspended indefinitely by the UEE to contain any possible contamination or outbreak.

This horrific shortage of bacon saw millions throughout the system left weakened, malnourished and destitute with little left to live for or believe in during the years that followed. It was in these dark days, towards the end of 2842, that a young Abren Kamber, a promising molecular biologist prior to the recession, and Markus Coots, a wide eyed eager entrepreneur, stumbled across each other in a backwater tavern not far from where ‘K & C Monument Square’ is currently. It was in this meeting that the two decided to bring an end to what can be quite possibly considered the worst period in the United Earth Empire’s illustrious history.

It was after many months of research, during the summer of 2843, that Kamber discovered that by combining the DNA of the common space fly with the left ventricle of an Arabian goat, a pearlescent sludge could be formed with the molecular properties comparable to that of what was previously known as galactic bacon……. with one major exception. It was now resistant to Tractus Sues Influenza!! With some slight gene sculpting, and significant amounts of synthetic flavouring, Intergalactic Tactical Bacon began mass production by early 2844 and The Intergalactic Tactical Bacon Company was born! Over the years to come Intergalactic Tactical Bacon became the most commonly purchased galley main stay throughout the UEE systems, as is standard issue for all UEE Naval Marines

To this day the primary production factory and galactic distribution facilities are based in the Davian system on Davien II (Cestulus), just 13 subterranean space miles from the acclaimed Aegis Dynamics corporate headquarters!!

Survived by their sons, Lesathian Kamber and Wedge Coots, Abren and Markus’s legacy lives on as the Intergalactic Tactical Bacon Company continues to diversify in the field of space exploration and resource mining, not to mention the continued production and distribution of the universally renowned intergalactic tactical bacon!!


To some, the Intergalactic Tactical Bacon Company is just the universal leader in the production, transportation and provision of Intergalactic Tactical Bacon throughout the universe to any and all citizens in need.

However, we here at iTACBAC take pride in the continual diversification of the company in to such areas as deep space exploration, mining and resource production, courier services, and even protective services for when you need it most.

With all of these synergies striving to push the Intergalactic Tactical Bacon Company into the 31st Century as a universal power house, we are proud to wear the iTACBAC brand with pride, devotion and respect!


These are the current rules for membership in iTACBAC:

  • Everyone is welcome, except those who do not abide by these rules.
  • Treat your fellow players, whether in iTACBAC or not, with respect and servility.
  • No deliberate or repetitive griefing of other players.
  • Racial or sexual trash-talk is not permitted.

These rules are subject to change as circumstances require. Breaking these rules may result in rank reduction, expulsion from the guild, and / or reporting of the player to RSI.