We are ITC. Get rich. Blast pirates.
Own the Universe.
We are semi-casual players from around the world dedicated to maximizing our collective profit
to subdue a lawless universe, and rule it.
Aggressive monopolistic industrialists with a vendetta to cull the overgrown pirate population of the galaxy, and liberate those oppressed by teenage milsim overlords everywhere.
We – dominate our trade lanes.
We – secure our mining and salvage areas.
We – interdict contraband for content (plushies, drugs, even that weird goldfish thingy).
We – impound ships that don’t comply with our areas of control (if it’s in our way it’s not piracy).
We – bait and kill pirates, griefers, thugs, and milsim overlords (this is The Way)
We – enforce ITC Security Zones for profit (monopolistic protocols are a great source of content)
We – expand our territory and defend it aggressively.
We – have so much fun that we forget what time it is.
Pirates fear us.
Griefers avoid us.
Safety in numbers.
Being fun and casual define our playstyle. A corp where content is king, and baiting pirates our thing. Perhaps the best corp in Star Citizen. Top org since our inception. You won’t find a teenage milsim overlord at our helm. Just gamers like us, looking for gamers like you. No need to leave your current org. We take affiliates!
It started with a father and son in a trade ship, getting ganked by pirates that left them for dead. It turned into one of the richest military industrial juggernauts that now spans across the Empire and beyond.
And then you came along. Lonely, bored, and hoping to do something fun with total strangers. And you read this page and decided to click that “Join us now” button above! And all was well with you.
You got rich. Insanely rich, for hardly any effort. You blasted pirates and thugs, saved space kittens from critical injury, and witnessed the worst piloting you’ve ever seen during the most critical moments in gaming history, only to see you and your new teammates geek out a win so highly improbable that Twitch crashed from the sheer number of unbelievers watching the replay.
You had so much fun with a bunch of people you never met, and never looked back!
Below is an infographic. It’s imaginary. If we were organized, we might look like this. As it turns out, we’re not really that organized. Though it looks like we are. We are not. If ever we were organized, we’d do something not as awesome as we do now, which is throw everyone into a giant pot, suck them through a sieve, and call this one in charge of space ships, this one in charge of plushies, and this one in charge of charging in, and then mix it all up in time for the next op. We even put a day 1 recruit in charge of our Weekly Corp Raid once. It went really really well actually. Minus the explody bit at the end. So ya, below is just a list of operational roles anyone could be picked to do at any time during any op, for any reason, and often without warning. After all, we believe if you can’t do it, then you can with us. Welcome to ITC!
Drugs Maze
Fun Times
Triggered Nukes
Lithobraking is a valid method of stopping a speeding ship.
Prison time is just another opportunity for shenanigans waiting to be exploited.
Content cringe is a highly successful method of recruitment.
The Inigma Piloting Award is a lot like the Darwin Award. Except with Inigma piloting your ship.
It’s not pirating when you are simply impounding illegally parked vehicles.
It’s not drug smuggling when you’re buying drugs to get them off the streets. Reselling them to undercover govt agents that happen to look like drug dealers for the purpose of proper disposal, is just part of the process.
We may not fire first, but we always fire last.
Get Rich. Blast Pirates. Subdue our rival Hurston Dynamics. Be the Dominating Power.
All others are just fighting over the scraps.
Anyone can go pirate, it’s the easy way. But do you have what it takes to go clean? Do you have the guts to grind legit industrial or security work to fund standing up to terror and standing in the gap for the less fortunate?
Are you ready to break UEE “rules” to take down thugs who have whitewashed their crimes? Do you believe prison time is just another opportunity to keep the pirates inside?
Are you ready to see the hunters become the hunted?
Industrialists getting rich, with a mean streak to defend it, are a force to be reckoned with. That is ITC.
We quite literally are the Empire. The UEE is just an annoying pretender to our self rule.
“Interstellar Trading Corporation? More like ‘Interstellar Trolling Content’” – a rival corp CEO marveling at the the ITC graffiti found in his hangar one random evening.
“ITC, you guys are in this game too? dang. well there goes the universe.” – an unrehabilitated pirate from the multiverse.
“Care bears? No, they aren’t care bears. More like wolves in sheep’s clothing. If you don’t tow their line, or accept their boarding parties, or hail their stupid Warlblat mythological creature, they charge you in violation of some made up law, or scratching their paint, or label you a pirate and melt that Retaliator you brought to test against one of their so-called heavily-armed “traders.” – a former Retaliator owner that fired first.
“Hey man, I only wanted the gems. Please give me back my pink cat helmet.” – a critically wounded and looted pirate.
“It’s not piracy, we’re just impounding an illegally parked vessel.” – an ITC Special Operations officer when asked why ITC boarded an unattended but fully crewed AI Hammerhead outside of GrimHex.
“War is good for business.” – Rule of Acquisition Number 34
“Peace is good for business.” – Rule of Acquisition Number 35
“Spais? Yes, we suspect everyone in ITC is a spai. Even my dad.” – Pyroblaster, son of the Director
“This is the most fun I’ve had in months. Are you guys always like this?” – A new member on his first HALO jump with a falling nuke, testing concepts ‘for science’.
Teenage Milsim Overlord.
you accept everyone into your org? Ha. U gonna get poor players.
All players are quality, no matter where they are from, or how much time they’ve done, or how much time they have to give. :D
“It’s our way of life. We are after all, all civilians in one giant corporate family that has been abandoned by the Empire due to Hurston Dynamics growing wary of our influence and success, cutting us out of deals, and even recently hiring pirates to do their dirty work that has led to the deaths of 39 of our civilian freighters and their crews.”
“All corporate personnel have signed security contracts with their local ITC offices to sign up for mandatory security training and duty so when in Stanton or Pyro, corporate assets can be protected with some modicum of independence by our civilian marines. Civilians by day, and marines when we have to. To protect the corp, but really we define the corp as our family, since for many of us, freighting and industry work is a family business.”
“We effectively run very much like our own independent entity. We have colonies. Even our own government. Our own navy and marines. Many disaffected citizens who feel the UEE has given up on their security find their way home to our corp for a chance at a better way of life.”
Captain – ITC Blue Nova (C2) – ITCN-96214
Stanton, May 2954
We are a semi-casual group of players from around the world in every major gaming time zone who enjoy getting rich via mining, hauling, trading, blasting pirates, halting criminal expansion, bringing order to anarchy, eliminating warlords, saving humanity from hostile xenos, and using our vast wealth to save the less fortunate from those that would bully them – making friends in a vast, lonely, and untamed Universe. ITC is the best corp you will ever join!
From solo missions to large fleet engagements, from casual chat to serious role play, our members engage in all aspects of Star Citizen, exerting our influence for the greater good of our corporate interests, and for all humanity. We welcome you to find your niche with us.
New players and vets welcome! We too are just starting out, learning to break things. Come break things with us!
To join, simply hop into our Discord and ask for your app to be accepted, and let’s go have some fun together!
We have a number of roles you can opt into to get pings for missions and ops:
- Merchant Vessels (Traders, Haulers)
- Miners
- Salvagers
- ITC Navy
- ITC Marines
- ITC Specops
Just come, join us, opt in, make billions, and blow something up.
(help help! im a staff member being held captive. i was conscripted against my will. i wish i was just a member again. i should never have said yes to joining staff. they make us do everything for our members. the last guy who had a bright idea was instantly promoted and then made to work a spreadsheet he wished he never invented. we never heard from him again. whatever you do, don’t start creating events or come up with bright ideas that you think the whole org should do. you’ll get noticed, rewarded, put in charge of it, and if they know you’ll resist, could even get bribed like me – drafted into terms of slavery that they say ends every 3 months – but they know my weaknesses, free stuff, and a stupid icon, they know how to keep me around and signing on at the end of every term. they don’t let you read the fine print. there is ALWAYS a fine print. don’t fall for the trap… don’t fall for the