Jameson Runners Ltd / JAMESONRUN

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Transport
  • Exploration

If it needs moving safely, quickly and quietly…The Runners know how. A small confederation of trading & transport companies, JR Ltd exists to help. Deliver, or die trying. Integrity in business. Bravery in combat. Nobility in defeat.


Since the early-30th Century, Jameson Runners have been moving and protecting cargo. Founded by Captain Matthias Jameson, the Runners were originally intended to be a group of freelance transporters for hire.

A decade ago Matthias Jameson struck a deal with Phillias Quetzalcoatl of Quetzal Industries, a small but ambitious team of deep-space archaeologists and explorers, obsessed with scouring the galaxies for derelict ships, undiscovered Jump Points and rare artifacts from remote worlds. Over the course of ten years, Phillias and his team have uncovered countless relics in the search for ancient remnants of civilization of dead planets, and though much of it belongs in a museum, Phillias’ personal hangar displays many priceless pieces of technology from long-dead planets.

In more recent times however, in an effort to expand their operations, the Jameson Runners have recruited a new Head of Runners; an enigmatic Space Captain known only by the callsign Prophet 316. Unmatched in tenacity and devotion, and a stranger to fear, Prophet has become a staple member of the Runners team, personally overseeing all matters regarding fugitive apprehension and collection.

Adhering to a strict moral code, the Runners are renowned for their honesty and bravery, often taking jobs larger corporations might pass over if it means helping out the little guy. Jameson himself still runs cargo, preferring the thrill of deep space to the tedious nature of behind-the-desk management.

The Jameson Runners have also begun reaching out to other small organizations in an effort to develop and grow an active confederation of trade partners and affiliates. In future years, Jameson hopes to increase the level of contact the Runners have with other organizations, and further shape and improve the trade and transport business for all small organisations.

While many of the Runners have more upper-class ships, Jameson himself remains strongly sentimental regarding his beat-up Aurora, vehemently arguing that to abandon the ship that stuck with him through all the reckless years gone by would be no less criminal than abandoning a child in the woods.

For those interested, the Runners are always open to inquires. Swing by the official Jameson Runners forum and register now!


Jameson Runners Ltd exists to ensure the safe transportation of cargo, ships or personnel. Since the merging of the Runners with Quetzal industries, the Runners have also collected numerous bounties on the less-than-noble Pirates who prey on the inexperienced pilot. Governed by a strict moral code of honour, Jameson Runners pledge to protect the weak, honour their word and deliver, or die trying.

Jameson Runners has four major Divisions

  • Runner Divisions
    • Transport & Logistics
    • Exploration
    • Fugitive Apprehension
    • Freelance

Transport and Logistics

Run and overseen by Matthias Jameson himself. Transport being the original purpose of the Runners, anything regarding the transportation of goods remains a subject close to Matthias’ heart, and as such remains his greatest passion.

This division of the Runners involves

  • The physical movement of goods from Location A to Location B.
  • The acquisition of new contracts related to the movement of goods.
  • The building of relationships within the transport community and/or Merchant’s Guild.
  • The movement of information between persons when requested.
  • An appropriate level of discretion when moving sensitive and/or confidential goods.

While it is not a strict policy of the Runners to move only legitimate UEE approved goods, nor is it necessary that every delivery destination be in UEE patrolled space, Runners must maintain a level of integrity in regards to goods, and it is a Runners personal responsibility should they choose to move illicit and/or prohibited substances through restricted space.

It is not necessary to divulge to other Runners the contents of a personal delivery, but should there be a possibility of a contract reflecting poorly on, or besmirching the name of, Jameson Runners Ltd, whether for reasons of illegality or otherwise, it is each Runners personal responsibility to ensure that their actions do not negatively impact the good standing of the company.

Note: All members of the Runners can at all times choose to transport cargo. ‘Divisions’ are simply the areas of business in which Jameson Runners Ltd operates, and are by no means binding or exclusive.


The exploration of uncharted territory has always been of great interest to Matthias Jameson, and a youth spent listening to pilot’s daring tales of the stars beyond instilled a strong sense of adventure and curiosity in his heart. It was to this end that the Jameson Runners and Quetzal Industries joined forces. Lacking the resources to personally maintain his business, and still explore the far reaches of space, Jameson was more than happy to ascertain the help of Captain Phillias Quetzalcoatl and his extensive knowledge of the ins-and-outs of space exploration.

The exploration division, headed up by Phillias himself, involves

  • The exploration of known space for salvage and/or mining opportunities
  • The exploration of uncharted territory for the purposes of, but not strictly limited to
    • the discovery of unkown/unclaimed jump points
    • the salvage of alien/human wreckage and/or abandoned cargo
    • the collection of alien artifacts and/or rare archaeological finds
    • planetary investigation regarding resource/artificact exploitation
  • The investigation and reconnaissance of enemy troop movements and/or locations

All items, artifacts, salvaged materials and information rights that are gathered by Runners are the sole property of the individual, and Runners are not required to divulge and/or share the profits unless terms preceding the discovery have been agreed upon (ie In the case that a partnership between Runners was agreed upon, and it was agreed profits shall be split, then that agreement must be honoured unless extenuating circumstances provide warranted reason for change).

Should a Runner offer information regarding a possible salvage etc, it is acceptable for that information to be ‘sold’ to either Jameson Runners as an entity, or another individual Runner if desired. Appropriate payment may be agreed upon as either a fixed price or a percentage of the profits.

Note: All members of the Runners are at all times free to explore the reaches of deep space. ‘Divisions’ are simply the areas of business in which Jameson Runners Ltd operates, and are by no means binding or exclusive.

Fugitive Recovery

This area of the Jameson Runners has yet to be expanded. Please enquire within if you require further information.


The Freelance Division covers all areas of work and employment not addressed under the three divisions above. Freelance work may involve

  • Transportation of high value personnel
  • Escorting large shipments/carriers for an allotted period of time
  • Assisting military operations, either in space or on the ground

Members of the Jameson Runners are in no way bound to divulge all personal contracts and/or operations. The Freelance Division is managed by no one person, and is essentially a way for Runners to maintain a personal life and continue with independent actions and thought while still associating with an organisation and receiving the privileges that come with that.

Benefits include

  • Docking in ports that may be off-limits to civilians not associated with reputable associations
  • Access to contacts and relationships through Jameson Runners Ltd
  • The ability to ‘borrow’ money from the Runners fund if an investment must be made prior to a contracts agreement.

Note: Should a Runner borrow money from either Jameson Runners Ltd or another Runner, full reimbursement must be made, unless otherwise stated by the lender, even in the event of poor business dealings and/or failed contracts. An allotted time for payment may be decided upon, and an interest-free payback scheme can be implemented in the event that the borrower does not have immediate access to funds. Payment can be demanded in monetary value, the ‘hiring’ of a Runner to help pilot/defend another Runners vessel (ie Occupy a Turret seat in a Constellation) or through the exchange of items.

Matthias Jameson created the Freelance Division simply to encourage Runners to maintain a high level of individual thought, and demonstrate the effectiveness of self-management within an organisation.

It should be noted that while the freedom of individual Runners in regards to Freelance work is extensive, Pirating is not an option. Actions classified as Pirating include

  • Firing upon a non-Hostile spaceship. (Should a Runner be fired upon first, it is permitted to engage)
  • Ambushing of non-Hostile targets individually or in conjunction with a group.
  • The capture of innocent civilians and/or pilots for the purpose of receiving a ransom
  • The selling of innocent civilians, pilots and/or pirates into slavery.

Note: Should a Runner apprehend a known slaver, it is permissible to sell them into slavery themselves as retribution. Should it be deemed to dangerous to transport a slaver, their execution will be overlooked by Jameson Runners Ltd. Should the UEE be made aware and individual Runners be marked as a killer, Jameson Runners Ltd will attempt to help pay the UEE fine associated with the clearing of a Runners name.


Integrity In Business

All Runners associated with Jameson Runners Ltd will remain honest, above-board (for the most part) and reputable in their dealings. Client property will be treated with the utmost respect and care. Contracts will be honoured at all times, excluding only the exposure of illicit dealings regarding the nature of delivery that might result in placing a Runner in a morally compromising situation they desire to be removed from. Pirate-like behaviour such as unprovoked attacks or placing client property in danger by engaging in unnecessary combat can result in suspended duty or removal from the organisation.

Bravery In Combat

Should combat be unavoidable, Runners must be well-equipped enough to make good account of themselves. While carrying client cargo, escape and/or retreat is neither frowned upon nor shall it result in a loss of honour or respect from other Runners. However, should circumstances make escape impractical or impossible, engaging in combat is encouraged. Killing in self-defense is acceptable. Killing in cold-blood is not. A Runner will not set ambushes for innocent traders, however, should the opportunity arise, ambushing known Pirates is permissible. Should a Runner demand ransom and it be paid, the ransom will be honoured. Cowardly or dishonourable behaviour, barring extreme circumstances, may result in suspension of duties or removal from the organisation.

Nobility In Defeat

Should a Runner be overpowered they will act with honour in defeat, neither pleading for mercy nor bargaining with client property or compromising the integrity of the organisation. Should a Runner be offered the opportunity to ransom their freedom it is up to individual discretion, though strongly encouraged by the organisation to resist negotiations with Pirates, preferring the loss of personal property to the strengthening of Pirate forces. Should a Runner be left without a ship due to unpreventable Pirate attacks, Jameson Runners will attempt to provide them with one. Should a Runner be attacked, and escape to tell the tale, Runners are strongly encouraged to seek out and exact justice upon the offending Pirate/s who saw fit to interfere with Jameson Runners.


Warhawk Squadron – Though not an offical partnership as such, Jameson and ‘Echo’ Robinson struck up a friendship many years ago after a random brawl brought them face to fist with each other. More of a lone wolf, Echo chose to go his own way, but contracts often swap hands.

Jameson Runners Ltd has a number of affiliations with other small organizations for the purpose of fostering positive trade relations with each other, gathering a larger knowledge base of profitable trade routes and contacts and when needed, extra firepower.