Japan Space Operations Community / JASOCOM

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

ようこそ、Japan Space Operations Communityへ
このOrganizationはStar Citizenの日本語話者向けコミュニティであるStar Citizen Japan Communityのゲーム内活動組織として設立されました。
活動はDiscord Serverを設置して行っていますのでコンタクトはそちらへお願いします。
Discord-Star Citizen Japan Community:https://discord.gg/eWWwcjYGK5


日本の市民の皆さんStar Citizen Japan Communityへようこそ。

2947(2017)-10-15(日) 組織設立の立案
-12-06(水)~10 組織の設計
-12-10(日) 本組織の設立

2948(2018)-05-05(土) Vanduul Swarm 全Waveクリア(初イベント)
2951 (2021)-12-31(金) SC Rally in JPN イベントを開催

2952(2022)-01-09(日) コンペにより新ロゴへ変更

The beginning began with a trivial word.
It was gradually believed and united to become an important key.
Welcome to Star Citizen Japan community.

2947 (2017)-10-15 Establishing an organization
-12-06 ~ 10 Organization Design
-12-10 Establishment of this Organization

2948 (2018)-05-05 Vanduul Swarm All wave Clear (first event)
2951 (2021)-12-31 SC Rally in JPN event held

2952 (2022)-01-08 New logo selected by competition




The purpose of this organization is to meet people who can speak Japanese and Japanese, and who like Japan.
You can play with them, exchange information, recruit friends, roll-play, organize events, introduce the organization, invite a large number of people, shoot videos, live and make machinima, and more. There is no obligation or restraints or rules.




Anyone who speaks Japanese and Japanese (Machine translation is also acceptable) and who likes Japan are welcome.
Let’s have fun interacting and exchanging information.
Because it is a worldwide environment, let’s take care enough to say.
If you have a fight or a commotion, let’s solve the problem separately without getting others involved.
If you have a request to add a chat lobby, category group, or category in the spectrum of the Organization (jasocom), please contact the person in high rank and admin. (I think we can stand the thread freely, but please let us know if you can’t use it.)
The rank in the organization stays long, and it is likely to raise it after it contacts it beforehand if it is a variety of events, the event, and the support, etc.
It will take up to 1.2 days to be adopted after joining the organization. It takes a little time to put it immediately after the application because it is a manual approval until the automatic acceptance is possible. (You can approve the message as soon as possible by discord)
There is a story of the Alliance, the war, and the conflict between countries, but Japan do not participate in alliances and wars. We stand as neutral to any country. Japan is neutral, neither enemy nor allies(ally).
(However, organizations other than these are not limited to alliances, enemies, etc.) because there are some pacifism, Japan themselves do not fight.
Thank you for your cooperation.

—————— Link

Steam Group