Jormungandr / JORM

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
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  • Exclusive
  • Infiltration
  • Security

The fools that govern Humanity are but petulant children playing at gods, unaware of the true threats that lay just outside of Humanities sight. And so, Jörmungandr, The World Serpent must wrest this “Empire” from its petulant rulers, shielding the people from the true horrors that lurk beyond…


“I refuse to let Fate dictate my actions to me, for I shall be the one to dictate my actions to Fate.” -The Veiled One: First Sire Of Jormungandr.

Within the shadows of our great expansive galaxy exist a great number of undiscovered threats, Jormungandr was established to combat them. In the year 1947 A.D. Modern humans had their first encounter with Aliens, a UFO of unknown origin found itself crash landing in the outskirts of the small town Roswell, New Mexico. Jormungandr was the first to respond, removing any evidence of extraterrestrials from the public and federal eye. Our mission has always been secrecy and safety for the human race.

“When one joins with the Serpent, one takes The Oath to The Sire. The Oath to serve Humanity first, The Sire second, and thyself third.” – Excerpt From ‘Veiled Shadows: Volume 1’

When Jormungandr was first founded has been lost to time, the only known records of its existence come from our own personal archives, The Veiled Shadows. These ancient tomes date back to 1900 B.C.E. and were written by a man known only as ‘The Veiled One’. Legends surrounding this figure paint him to be an Immortal being from an age long past, eager to see Humanity soar past the ones he knew, others claim he is the ancient Catholic God given form, shepherding humanity towards his design. A final myth states that he is a guardian, the current Sire of Jormungandr and the protector of Humanity, yet none of these can be proven as The Sire has not taken an active role in Jormungandr for years.

“Humanity must defeat The [Corrupted], there is no other choice nor chance.” – ‘Final’ Sire Ragnis of Jormungandr

Upon discovery of the wormhole network that Humanity continues to use to this day, Jormungandr took it’s first action against humans in its entire history. Boarding the vessel designated for the first interstellar travel, our operatives sabotaged its engines in the hope that the vessel would safely launch and crash into the nearby ocean. This operation was known as The Great Disaster, as immediately following it, the Acting Jackal and Hare Operatives were captured and forced to self-terminate to avoid any information leakage.

“Protect and Serve is their motto… Ours is to protect them, whether they wish it or not. The rest of Humanity may not agree, but they will comply.” – Jackal Qi’ris: Head Of Operations


“We Shall Never give in to the alien.”

Jormungandr prides itself on being an Organization that focuses on one goal and one goal only, Humanity. Our species is naturally rather frail and new to this galaxy, Jormungandr aims to ensure it will always prosper, even at the expense of others.


“On this soil shall no Human blood ever be spilled. In these stars may no Human ever fear for their life against their kin.”

“Use the Alien if you must, but never trust the Alien.”

“Thou shalt serve Humanity First, The Sire second, Thyself third. Of this, there can be no question.”

“Thou shalt respect The Sire, for He has given us purpose in this Dark Future.”