Judges / JUDGES

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting




STATUS : …..

STATUS : …..



If you played Freelancer, you no doubt heard of RAW server.. and if you never did, o well! BUT if you do recall then you must have heard of the Judges of RAW.. the Law keepers that kept everything on the level fought the harsh fight against hackers and cheaters and what not..

The History of the Judges is one of controversy at best, for there was no Law on RAW, Gangs, pirates, bounty hunters and riff raff from all corners of the galaxy used to prey on the hard working space truckers.. And one of those gangs went by the name of System Lords, which was much comparable to the Mafia of old..

They did not hunt chase or kill traders, they occupied systems and taxed them.. life was good, and space was plentiful.. One of their members was a then young lad called Dredd… and for a long time everything remained as it was, but the System Lords soon found out there were even worse people around then pirates and bounty hunters.. there were cheaters and hackers making space and RAW server a very unhappy place and some people left, some remained trying to fight off hacker after hacker, until Dredd had a vision for RAW server and the remaining System Lords, and after some negotiating, laying down the rules and Laws in approval of Mr. RAW himself, the Judges were born..

And for a long time RAW server was a very popular and well respected server in the Freelancer community with Dredd as Supreme Judge, and quite a lot of willing men and women to fill the coveted ranks of the Judges.. At a turning point of his career as Supreme Judge, and various elements that consist of real life and all the rigors that may bring, Dredd stepped down passing the torch od Supreme Judge to Judge Dallas, whom led the Judges from that point on, this all was many many years ago..

Now.. Space has become even bigger.. bolder.. harsher, and like a small spark, that turns into a flame, the Judges have returned.. some old, old familiar names have been heard, faces of old have been seen.. the call echoed through the vast emptiness of space.. and it has been answered..

What will you do?…


The Judges of old, had a task to safeguard the space trade lanes, protect the adventurer and space truckers and their cargo. To hunt down notorious outlaws and pirates to be brought to Justice.


As a Judge you are subject to sever rules and regulations.
As a Judge you are to aid and assist People in need of protection and or justice.
A Judge does not Prey on weaker ships and or people.
A Judge Shall always head the call of a fellow Judge.
A Judge takes pride in his tasks and duties.

more to follow and above rules are subject to change