Kaito Hospitality Group / KAITO

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Social

“One chance in a lifetime”

Rental Properties, Rare Artifacts & Limited Touring Experiences


Our roots trace back to 1474CE in feudal Japan, Earth (Sol III). After losing a bloody battle the family, who served as retainers to lords of the region, lost much of their influence and wealth. Turning to connections they had made during the war, the Hoshino clan started trading food, clothing, and weapons from their region. In 1477, they went on to acquire land and open the famous Kaito Ryokan and Onsen Resort. Sadly, two months before it opened the family head, Kaito Hoshino passed away in a tragic accident. In honor of Kaito, the corporation is in his namesake.

In 2017 an ambitious 14th-generation descendent of Kaito, Sachiko Hoshino reimagined the family business. She convinced other members of the clan to approve funding for an expansion of the property. After 5 years of renovations, the Ryokan added a shopping center featuring a fine dining experience, luxury shops, and 5-hectare Japanese garden with 8 private residences. Since then, KaitoHG has established itself as a retail and hospitality group specializing in luxury goods, quality hospitality services, and limited touring experiences.

In 2533, with economic confidence from the UPE, KaitoHG moved its headquarters to Tanys on Locke (Idris IV). In 2542 orbital bombardments by the Tevarin destroyed the headquarters and killed all but one family member. The 35th descendant, Hiroshi Hoshino fled the system escaping to Quinton on Angeli (Croshaw II). By the end of the year, the lack of management and funding from headquarters, along with a downturn in tourism, lead to the collapse of the company. Left with nothing but the brand’s name and family connection, Hiroshi traded and sold goods from the region. Just like his family had done over a thousand years ago. Recognizing the money that was being made in the whiskey industry of Angeli, Takashi Hoshino, son of Hiroshi, opened a sake brewery. By importing rice grown in Stalford on Rytif (Bremen II) the sake gave a unique flavor reminiscent of Blue Bilva, similar to Bluebee brandy.

By 2700 production of sake was at an all-time high. With a steady supply from Bremen Mills, Kaito Brewery sold sake throughout the local systems. In Jele City on Vann (Croshaw II), Kaito Sake was traditionally served hot at every bar and restaurant in town. Production came to a screeching halt in 2716 after the Great Stalford Disaster. With much of the crop destroyed and shifting priorities by the supplier, the family exited the brewery business. Selling the equipment and property, the clan survived on the accumulated earnings of the brewery. Yumiko Hoshino, the 44th descendant, heard rumors regarding the high-quality finish and assembly of Xi’an goods. Wandering system to system she finally arrived in Baker making Covalex Shipping’s Xenia Station her outpost. Trading human goods to Xi’an in the Yā’mon system, she gained knowledge of Alien technologies and rare artifacts.

The demand for Xi’an goods moved more trades to the Kyuk’ya system. In 2931 during a regular cargo run to Kyuk’ya 1A, a fleet of Kaito Trading vessels were attacked by an unknown group. Outnumbered, the fleet sent a distress signal before using Kyuk’ya 1s extreme storms as cover in an attempt to evade the hostiles. The fleet was never heard from again. Following an insurance investigation, parts of the ship were recovered and identified as belonging to the fleet. Fragments of a hull showed bullet holes but also sheer stress caused by the storm. It could not be determined whether the fleet was destroyed by the unknown assailants or by the turbulent weather. The insurance refused to pay out, which regressed the company to the financial state of the collapsed brewery business. Loading the last ship of the fleet, Mayumi Hashino, the 49th descendent, left the system in search of a Souli capable of producing new ships.

Arriving at Kins II Mayumi made her way through the markets. After months of negotiations, a deal was made with a shipbuilding Souli. In exchange for all the Xi’an goods and alien artifacts, the Souli would produce four Merchantman. While waiting, Mayumi planned the next steps of the business. Interested in the history of the clan, she decided to refocus on Sachiko’s brand image of luxury entertainment, shopping, and lodging. In 2943 the ships were customized, completed, and delivered. In dwindling health, Mayumi focused her last years on relocating the ships to a profitable area for tourism and economic growth. In 2948 the headquarter was relocated to Fujin City on Saisei (Centauri III).

The 50th descendant of the clan, Yuki Hoshino, is determined to fulfill her mother’s vision of bringing the Kaito Hospitality Group into the 30th Century while paying homage to the ancestors before.

“We hope to rebuild the Ryokan and open new locations using the strength and experience of our past business ventures. We are currently hiring and opening one of our Merchantman for luxury goods, short-term stays, and center of a guided experience through Terra.”
- Yuki Hoshino 2952

1474 End of Retainership
1474 Trading
1477 Construction of Ryokan & Onsen
1477 Death of Kaito Hoshino long time family head
1478 Kaito Hospitality Group established
1478 Completion of Kaito Ryokan & Onsen
2017 Reimagining of Brand
2022 Completion of luxury entertainment, shopping & lodging
2533 Moving headquarters from Japan, Sol III to Tanys, Idris IV
2542 Destruction of Headquarters
2543 Kaito Sake Brewery opens on Quinton, Croshaw II
2716 End of Brewery
2718 Kaito Trading Co. opens on Covalex Shipping’s Xenia Station, Baker
2931 Kyu’ka 1 Fleet attacked & Tragedy
2943 Four Merchantman complete
2948 New Kaito Hospitality Group Headquarters on Saisei, Centauri III

If you would like to be updated when properties become available again, please sign up on our mailing list.

Centauri Locations: KaitoHG HQ
Castra Locations: Kaito’s Flagship BMM
Goss Locations: Kaito’s Flagship Hotel (Opening Soon)
Sol Locations: Kaito’s Original Ryokan & Onsen (Opening Soon)
Terra Locations: -
Centauri Locations: -
Stanton Locations: -
Ellis Locations: -

Apply for the KaitoHG membership, offering members-only lodging, breathtaking travel destinations, and grand tours.


Kaito Hospitality Group aims to offer a shopping & lodging experience unlike any other. Discover rare artifacts and restock on the essentials for your next adventure at Kaito’s Merchantman Shopping Centers.

Spend the night at one of our luxurious lodgings such as the Kaito Ryokan created from the vision & values of our family. Reserve private residences for corporate events, friend groups, or special people in your life. Stop by while your ship is fueled and maintained at one of our facilities or stay to enjoy the surroundings and connect with nearby communities. Each residence is stylized to reflect peace, tranquility, and connection to nature, while providing you with unparalleled safety that makes you feel relaxed and at home. Some services offered at select locations

おもてなし • Omotenashi is the highest form of hospitality and the underlying principle of our brand. Attention to detail, respect, and courtesy towards our properties and guests. Our team is dedicated to providing you with a safe and carefree experience while you are on KaitoHG grounds.

** we ask that members using our lodging refrain from any form of combat while on the grounds of our properties, unauthorized residents or guests may be forcibly removed**


Alpha Game Note: The organization’s long term goal would be to provide various base locations that members could use to their benefit. Any active staff would be free to lodge and traverse between them.

Based in the United States | The primary language is English
Local Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time UTC-5
Respect all | members, guests, business partners, strangers
No racist, sexist, or otherwise abusive/discriminatory activity
Supportive of LGBTQ+ & minority communities

Roleplay: Encouraged
Activity level: Personal choice
Payscale: fair base pay + activity incentives
Money should be split fairly because at the end of the day it’s not real life. It’s a game and we don’t need to simulate minimum wage. Here to have fun and create an ORG we can enjoy. The organization should payout to active members and provide mutual benefits.

Join our staff by sending in your own application. Looking for those interested in playing the following roles:

Artifact Trader/ Seller/ Negotiator
Artifact “Acquirer”
Property Scouting/Construction
Property Maintenance
Property Manager

Cargo Pilot
Tractor Beam Operator
Fuel Pilot
Fuel Boom Operator
Ship Mechanic/ Engineer

Scanner Pilot
Info Runner
Guest Transport Pilot
Tour Guide/Flight Attendant/Customer Management

Looking for organization partners in the field of:
Fuel Mining
Fuel Transport
Real Estate
Rental Services

4 Banu Merchantman
1 Crusader Spirit E1