Kareah Security / KAREAHPMC

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Trading

Welcome recruit;

we are dedicated to protecting Kareah station, and Kareah space
Our task is to identify Hostiles, from Friendly,
To defend traders from pirates
We serve with dignity, honor and respect!

“Your success is our reputation”


We invite you into our home at SPK – Kareah Security station

- Your cargo and ships are protected.
- Safe trades, mean more profits.
- Our fleet of ships can handle any cargo load!
- Rent one of our ships! Cargo runs for people who cannot carry enough to certain mission needs with our legendary protection

** Trades are suspended during piracy attacks, and will be resumed when threats are subdued/eliminated.


We are stationed at Kareah securitry outpost.
you will find us there
approach with valid ID open Comms, and weapons offline
we do not tolerate hostility in our space, or station
we will open fire on any hostiles ships, that dont declare themselves friendly.
Any vessel with crimstat that wants removal of status, is subject to escort to designated landing pad, and escort team inside station. if any weapons are drawn, you will be shot on site.
We value peaceful visits to our station


Our protection, and jurisdiction is within the confines of SPK Station, and its surrounding local space.
we will not chase hostiles outside jump range *unless pursuing one of our own vessels.

We are a peaceful trading company offering safety and security for your cargo trading needs