Knights of Glory and Beer / KGB

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

The Knights of Glory and Beer
“Serving the online gaming community since 1997”


The KGB, established in 1997, has always sought to defend the weak and to establish justice in the various realms it has inhabited. Starting with Ultima Online(UO:Pacific and UO:Siege Perilous, the KGB was one of the original Anti-PK (Player Killer) guilds, and it was our goal to hunt murderers from one end of Sosaria to the other. Subsequent realms in Dark Ages of Camelot, Age of Conan, Darkfall, Darkfall Unholy Wars, ShadowBane, StarWars Galaxies, Vanguard and World of Warcraft offered different PvP environments. Worlds with Faction PvP do not have PKs, but the KGB has always sought to maintain a high degree of honor and respect for other players. In Star Citizen many years have passed and KGB is on the new frontier of space. With many lawless sectors of space and defenseless explorers, KGB will stand among the people to fight for justice and defend the UEE space.




Originally created in 1997, these documents have been changed by the citizenship and leaders over the years to accommodate the many changes required to maintain our mission in ever changing worlds and situations. Below you will find the most current version that was written by the KGB High King and approved and amended by the KGB Senate and the Members and Citizens of the Knights of Glory and Beer:

Document Links
Document 1 – The KGB Bill of Rights an Conduct
Document 2 – The KGB Articles of Confederation
Document 3 – The KGB Constitution