K.I.N.G. Industries LLC / KINGINDUST

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Trading
  • Resources

Welcome to our official Spectrum channel. Feel free to browse, and please visit our Recruitment section for career opportunities. Join us in the spectrum for conversation and if you are looking for a referral code to get 5000 credits to start out ours is: STAR-6F65-YJLN join now let’s work together.


We are starting out small but powerful and when the game finally gets released we will know what we are doing and be able to pinpoint our objectives and do them with precision and professionalism. If you have not had the chance to sign up for squadron42 we have a referral system in place to insure you get the best quality out of your experience. This referral code: STAR-6F65-YJLN will give you 5000 credits in game to start with!!! See you in the pu guys have fun. just put an application in and one of my highly trained professionals will take care of you or you can join the discord where one of us will more than likely be on: https://discord.gg/7A98Zy3Z


Our primary objective is to carry out piracy and turn in bounties with precision and make sure that the job is done quickly and satisfaction is guaranteed. Once again our referral code is STAR-6F65-YJLN join now and help build a great empire!


you Must be a little rough around the edges, know how to fly extremely well and be able to handle yourself well in extremely tense situations such as high stakes bounties and the handling of precious pirated cargo. And the number one rule Is if you are a confirmed member friendly fire is forbidden in all circumstances big or small. You must carry a rifle at all times and have plenty of ammo to boot incase a hairy situation pops at any given time to be able to defend yourself accordingly