• Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Piracy
  • Infiltration

Welcome to the enigmatic realm of the Kitty Gang, where mischief and mayhem intertwine in the vast expanse of space. Led by the cunning Captain Whiskers, our crew specializes in piracy, infiltration, and all manner of clandestine operations.

Are you ready to join the fray?




In the boundless expanse of our digital universe, we, the Kitty Gang, declare our sovereignty over the cosmic seas. Our ships are our sanctuaries, our weapons the instruments of our will. We traverse the stars, seeking fortune, fame, and the thrill of the chase.

We reject the chains of galactic law, embracing the freedom to carve our own destiny among the stars. From the shadows of asteroid belts to the bustling trade routes of star systems, we roam, answering to no authority but our own.

Our allegiance lies with our crewmates, bound by a code of camaraderie and mutual respect. Together, we plunder the riches of the cosmos and outplay those who would stand in our way.

We revel in the challenge of outsmarting security systems and evading detection, honing our skills with each successful infiltration and daring escape. No fortress is impregnable, no bounty beyond our reach when we unite our cunning and resolve.

We are the cosmic renegades, the architects of chaos amidst the stars. Fear us, for we are the masters of the void, where the only law is the law of the engine: seize opportunity, exploit weakness, and never back down from a challenge.


Ranking System:

  1. Panthera Initiate: Initiates are newly recruited members undergoing training and initiation into the org. They learn the ways of the Panthera and strive to prove themselves worthy of advancement through dedication, loyalty, and proficiency.
  2. Panthera Fang: Fangs represent the org’s fiercest warriors, renowned for their combat prowess and ferocity in battle. They strike fear into the hearts of their enemies, tearing through opposition with unmatched skill and strength.
  3. Panthera Prowler: Prowlers are stealthy operatives specializing in infiltration, espionage, and covert operations, silently moving through the shadows to achieve the org’s objectives.
  4. Panthera Sentinel: Sentinels are the guardians and protectors of the org, ever watchful and ready to defend its members and interests against external threats.
  5. Panthera Vanguard: Vanguards are elite warriors and strategists who lead the org’s frontline in battle. They inspire others with their courage and skill, often spearheading critical missions and campaigns.
  6. Panthera Apex: This rank represents the pinnacle of the organisation, embodying strength, leadership, and authority, much like the apex predators of the wild.