Katsuragi Military-Industrial Contracts / KMIC

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Security

>>>“Per Scintallum Flamma, Through the Spark, The Flame” Welcome to the Company. We are a Tight Group of Operators who Ensure the Security of Our Clients, Make DUMMY THICC Loads of Credits on “Armed Delivery Services”, and Have Fun!



>>>_ 2989, An Interesting Year to say the Least for Military and Mercenary Types Alike. The Frontier Wars were Beginning to die down and Planetary Incursions by the UEE Were becoming a rarity. For Many it was a Nice Shift of pace back to a “Peace Time Army”….But not for Us: Formerly the 555th Heavy Lift Squadron or Otherwise known as the “Triple Nickel”. Drop-Ship Pilots were hit the Hardest as they no longer had a steady flow of missions coming in, as opposed to popular belief We Do Actually Enjoy being shot at. The Rush of it all was what Alex Katsuragi’s Squadron Sought Out. When the Conflict Came to its Conclusion not only did the flow of Steady Action come to a halt…..so did the Hazard Pay. This didn’t “Fly” well for the Team (Excuse my Bad Sense of Humor).

>>>_ After Some Time They Couldn’t Take the Stagnation of it all. The CO’s, XO’s, Pilots, Gunners, Crew Chiefs, Flight Techs, even the Mechanics that Serviced the 555th all Handed in their Resignation and Retirement Paperwork. With that They Scattered Across the Stanton System in search of Better Work. Katsuragi found out quickly that the Expanse was a Cruel Place…So why Go it alone? He Gathered as many of his Old Navy Buddies as he Could and Started a New Company: Katsuragi Military-Industrial Compact. It is a Home not only to Drop-ship Pilots but Former Marines, Flight Technicians, Traders, Smugglers, Fighter Pilots, Freighter Captains, and all the Like. While we Focused on Armed Transport and Security Work…Its really just about having Others to Fly With…A Team…A Squadron…A Wing…A Unit. We Finally Have others to Lean on in the Uncaring Void…And the Pay Couldn’t be Better.


Our Motives in this Org are purely to have a great time and play the game. While making credits is the worthwhile part of being in an organization, we want our members to go on an adventure.


1. Do Not be an Asshole, Everyone here has come to have fun.
2. Do Not hold Clan Membership or a Staff Position over someone’s head. We are not Better than everyone else; we are all a team .
3. Do Not Post NSFW Content on any non NSFW Channels.
4. No Racism/Discrimination on this Community (Dark Humor However is Alright and May be Overlooked)
5. Do Not Spam in any of the Chats
6. Do Not ask to be Staff or for a High Position. It will Not be given to you.
7. We do not care if someone you don’t like is above you or in charge of you. Its petty, get over it.
8. Have FUN!!!!
9. Also if Someone Frags you, You Better Frag them Back
10. Play to Win, Your Enemies Will Not Extend Courtesy to You. Kill Them Before they Kill You.