• Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Exploration

EVERGREEN INTERSTELLAR LLC [KODIEGI] – Your Trusted Container Freight Distributor! A division of Kodiak Interplanetary inc. [KODI]. Mining and heavy industrial goods are our business! Kodiak a path to the stars! EVERGREEN INTERSTELLAR Guiding the way through trade, logistics and exploration.


HISTORY OF EVERGREEN INTERSTELLAR:“Your Trusted Container Freight Distributor”

Our Founder Ms. Silva Raven from Microtech New Babbage started her first Handyman Class cargo courier service after inheriting her families fortunes in the exploration and prospecting business. Her first ship was an Avenger Titan light freight vessel she had been gifted by her Father on her graduation from Orison University of Fleet Management with a double doctorate in Business Management and Starship Fleet Management. On completing her Flight Training She served eight years with the UEE Starguard completing her service and clearing all debt for her University at age 32. After a year working in the New Babbage area she met the CEO of KODI which is based out of Baiijini Point Station in Arc Corp.

Joining the Board of Directors of Kodiak Interplanetary [KODI] she put her military skills to use for a year providing the KODI prospectors and mining operations with security before being promoted to Chief of KODI Logistics and Transport Operations. Soon Mr. “Bear” McCloud and Ms. Silva Raven were a social item in the Area-18 social culture often seen dating together. Stockholders concerned about two Senior C-suite executives in the same board frequently dating urged for a division of roles and responsibilities to maintain corporate stability and limit risk.

EVERGREEN INTERSTELLAR [KODIEGI] was born from this stockholders voting. Ms. Silva Raven while she still remains devoted to Mr. “Bear” McCloud Relocated to Crusader Orison while still maintaining a residence in Area-18 and with her families wealth stood up the Limited Liability Corporation from her own funds initially. Buying a used Drake Caterpillar initially and within three months of risky gold and diamond runs; EVERGREEN INTERSTELLAR added the purchases of a dozen new Crusader C2 Hercules Starlifters, a Crusader Mercury and several Crusader Ares Heavy Star Fighters for her security arm.

Most Recently Ms. Silva Raven has brought to EVERGREEN INTERSTELLAR [KODIEGI] the 600i Touring and Explorer Starships for Star exploration in anticipation of new technology breakthroughs to reach the stars beyond Stanton.

Future Plans for EVERGREEN INTERSTELLAR include the purchase and management of HULL Series Starships for heavy cargo Container Freight to support Trade and transportation logistics of scale across Interstellar (HULL D, E), Interplanetary (HULL C) and Planitary System Handymax (HULL A, B) ranges of logistics operations.

EVERGREEN INTERSTELLAR has both company and owner-operator Ship Master positions open for trustworthy, honorable, law abiding Ship Masters and Union workers.

EVERGREEN INTERSTELLAR: “Your Trusted Container Freight Distributor”


EVERGREEN INTERSTELLAR [KODIEGI] will provide these services:
  • Trade
  • Transportation
  • Logistics
  • Interstellar Inter-modal Freight & Container Services
  • Interplanetary Inter-modal Freight & Container Services
  • Handymax General Cargo & Inter-modal Freight & Container Services
  • Exploration – Route, Trade Source identification and location Interstellar
  • Starship Fleet Management & Support Services – Refueling in-flight repair, maintenance
  • Logistics, Starship Fleet and Cargo Security
EVERGREEN INTERSTELLAR [KODIEGI] will provide these services based on these corporate cultural values:
  • Trust
  • Security First
  • Customer Service
  • Efficiency
  • Interstellar Market Awareness
  • Faithfulness
  • Integrity
  • Adhering to the Law & Local Regulations
  • Honesty


EVERGREEN INTERSTELLAR: “Your Trusted Container Freight Distributor”

Owner Operator and Union rules

  • Most Important lets all have fun
  • Trust – Be trustworthy honest and law abiding.
  • NO PIRACY – This is a legal LLC piracy will be grounds for a ban and WARRANT FOR ARREST
  • Misconduct will be dealt with as leadership requires
  • Owner Operators may take legal cargo loads outside EVERGREEN INTERSTELLAR’s Freight Schedule
  • Generally EVERGREEN INTERSTELLAR’s Freight Schedule is USA NYC EST 20:00-24:00 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
  • Special Events are held with Kodiak Interplanetary Weekends TBA.
  • RP is expected and encouraged
  • Most Important lets all have fun

EVERGREEN INTERSTELLAR: “Your Trusted Container Freight Distributor”