Kynd Research Labs / KYNDLABS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Engineering

Kynd Labs strives to discover and implement solutions that benefit us all.


Kynd Labs started out as kyneric’s side project as he explored space. In his travels he discovered that some of the projects he was tinkering with were of use to some people. One of those people happened to have a lot of extra UEC to donate and thus began Kynd Research Labs.

Kynd Research Labs now exists as an organization of individuals all interested in pursuing science but lack the resources to get started on thier own. After an entrance exam and personality screening members are allowed to access Kynd’s lectures and classes on the latest technology or access the Kynd Labs facility itself.


Our purpose is to explore the cosmos and gain information from it while respecting the life that lives in it. We believe that knowledge should not be with-held but should be shared between races and species for the benefit of everyone. We also understand that corruption is very possible and thus try to keep ourselves defended at all times. We are kind and giving but we are also powerful with our knowledge and will fight back if provoked.


  • All research done with Kynd Labs equipment is to be nonsecretive and shared with the community (of Kynd Labs)

*The current secret research of Kynd Labs (should it be revealed to you) shall not leave the walls of Kynd Labs until its security level is at a proper level.

  • Equipment will not purposely be used wrong to do harm to others, oneself or equipment.
  • Always use decontamination chambers (we don’t know where you’ve been.